Subject: Re: Hot off the press! |
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Date Posted: 17:08:34 08/20/05 Sat
Author Host/IP: In reply to:
's message, "Re: Hot off the press!" on 13:34:48 08/20/05 Sat
The conductor of a train has conducted his train on the wrong rail since longtime. Because it has always been this way, and that nobody told him that he was on the wrong path, and nobody taught him neither, which one was the right rail, the conductor kept thinking he was doing right and he kept his conscience clear.
What this conductor needed, in fact, was a teacher with enough strength for making him change his path. No judgmental attitude of the teacher in this process, but a very strong position, specially in case, if the conductor of the train is a stubborn one and is on the path of selfsatisfaction. What ever the method, the objective of the teacher is the awakening of a new conscious, the spark that will start the process of change. According to the case, the method can be soft, tactfull,... But, in some cases "electric shock treatment" may be needed, if the change seems not to come.
We cannot come on this Earth and use our life for selfishness, and not help the neighbourg to evolve. It is not about judging or insulting or criticizing people freely, it is about teaching to be on the rail of the Truth.
Spirits talk a lot about "the Truth". It is a polite way of putting it, when they see people who are destructive to each other, hypocritical, sly, criticizing in the back of each other, being suspicious and asking their spies to make a survey as if the others were criminals, etc. when in the front, they are smiling to each other.
It is what I call "the curtain of illusions" that the unevolved humans have created to hide their real self since they are young.
Personally, I met people who are very proud of being hypocrite, of being able to have sweet talking in the front of the people or on the phone, when in the back, they are so jealous of anyone that it is impossible for them not to manipulate, not to lie, not to mess the others up in order to get rid of them, and to stay the only one in position of monopole. These persons are very dangerous. They would be able to make mountains to quarrel among themselves with their way to repeat with sniggers the most neutral talks. I can tell you, these persons are very very proud of their self. They think they are more spiritual than all the others, when normally they should know that jealousy and hypocrisy are ugly defaults. This is only one example.
So, I can tell you, there are more teachers needed on this Earth in order to put the people on the path of the Truth.
When we will all be dead, we will found ourselves in a world where there will be nothing for hiding our thoughts : no skin, no bones, no face to hide ourselves in the back. So all our thoughts, which are electromagnetic, will be known by all.
In fact, our thoughts are already known by all the Spirits, because they hear our thoughts as if they were pronounced with loud voice. That's why they know everything about our intentions, they know if we are genuine or not, they know our mentality, our qualities, our defaults. If shame was a cause of death, then we would all be already dead, because the Spirits were allways aware of everything about our secret deeds!
So I can only invite people who really want to spiritually evolve to be frank. To be frank in the front of the people, and frank in the back. If our mouth cannot say frankly certain things in the front, then we should not say it neither in the back. That is the best way to work on ourselves; it is a way to put a pressure on ourselves in order to learn to control our thoughts and slowly and slowly overcome our defaults. The objective is to obtain a transparent mentality that we cannot be shamed of.
And again, if the destructive behaviour pattern is still there, people should realize that they cannot pretend they are spiritual, as being spiritual is to be able to develop the others, to be able to protect them, to praise them for their help or for whatever reason, to be truly gratefull and not think that everything is granted.
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