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Subject: Re: NATPA Corunna

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Date Posted: 11/11/07 12:11:53am
In reply to: dave metzger runner 's message, "Re: NATPA Corunna" on 11/ 7/07 7:40:17pm

Hi Dave! Guess we're doing OK around here. Did get a Dow Corning ambulance ride a week ago. Trailer landing gear gearbox on a loaded trailer decided to go nuts & the crank whacked me a good one on the right arm. Everybody figured I busted it, but xrays didn't find a break, but hairline fracture might not show. Doc said take a few days off. Still swelled a little, but getting better, I think...
Sorry I couldn't be around to see you. Guess Andrew's all of 6 feet, maybe more. He slimmed down and added more muscle with the Bowflex upstairs. I think Andrew & Hank were talking about ethanol & E85. Got interested in the stuff, but nobody sells it around here. Figured we could use the stuff in the Cockshutt instead of 110. But I think Andrew was saying that E85 isn't blended in the same ratio all the time. Would have to home brew it to get the right ratio, if I could find the straight stuff...
May have the tear the motor apart over the winter. Andrew noticed a few things while pulling it at Corunna. I did suspect it was getting weak.
Have to find a starter rebuild shop around here. Yup, we fried it.

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