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Date Posted: 12:01:07 10/28/04 Thu
Author: Dico
Subject: Re: Bulk machine national averages
In reply to: Filipe Silva 's message, "Re: Bulk machine national averages" on 10:35:27 10/28/04 Thu

yes that is 10.00 per LOCATION - regardless of heads or canisters.

Why bother you say? Because the average bulk vendor makes 90.00 an hour - which most would be lucky to make 25% of that in a white coller job. You think you can buy or invest 10K in 20 machines and make 1000s?? That is why most fail.

This is not a get rich quick scheme - it IS about multiple locations - we have some that do 90.00 a month - but that is the exception - most do 15 or 20.00.

Recent polls we have done indicate that 16-35.00 is more the normal average. Point is - you have to EXPECT the low and be glad for the high. vending is not an exact science.

uturn and companies like that talk pure bullshit when they tell you you'll make 100.00 each machine a month or 800.00 with 10 machines - though it may happen every blue moon - it is far from the truth. Why do you think so many UTURNS are on ebay each month????

I have 100 machines that make between 1700.00 - 2400.00 a month - REAL MONEY - 20 HRS a month work. beat that in ANY job. It's the gift that keeps on giving - when I play hockey 3 times a week - someone is paying ME.

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