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Date Posted: 14:13:30 06/28/08 Sat
Author: JC
Author Host/IP: NoHost /
Subject: Melatonin... the key to immortality and superhuman powers...

Melatonin is a chemcial that gets secreted from the pineal gland. It is the catalyst to which seratonin and DMT is synthesized in the human brain. The biggest damper and greatest enemy to these chemcials is sunlight. Ultraviolet radiation goes through the retina of the eyes and completely shuts down the pineal gland and prevents brain sand from crystalizing.

Darkness is the key that activates this hormone and brings about not only immortality but superhuman powers as well, especially astral travel and power of the mind. Telepathy, telekinesis etc. etc. By closing your eyes and sitting in a darkened room and meditating, you can become a very powerful homosapien.

Even though the legends of the vampire is a myth, there is some reality to this. Vampires are the creatures of the night... during the day they stay out of the sunlight. They drink blood because the human brain, once it has tasted and got used to melatonin craves for this chemical like a pack of wolves do with there prey. The more melatonin you have in your body, the more powerful you become.

There are many elite human families living on this planet called the illuminati. They are usually of royal blood and exist in american politics and banking and corporations as well. There bloodline goes back to the reptillian race called the Annuaki that once visited and lived on this planet. These families are very careful on who they marry and mix there blood with. You will notice that royality only marries royality and politicians are chosen who they marry. Many jewish sects do the same because many of them are reptillians as well. Not all but some of the elite. There is a certain RH negative blood type that they seek for intermarrying to keep the cabals power alive for future generations. During their rituals, the illuminati drink the blood of babies and small children under the age of 11 because this is the time that the human pineal gland and meletonin are at there highest levels.

I spend a lot of time in my life in my closet in pure darkness and meditate all day. The only time I leave the house is to go to work and hike mt shasta and even then I wear a special pair of sunglasses that block UV rays.

I am becoming very powerful by the month and able to travel interdimensionally with the use of astral travel... I have already met the lemurians on the astral planes on many occasions and know how the mountian look in the 5th dimension.

I have the ability to hurt people with my mind if they fuck with me, but I choose to use my powers for the good of mankind.

There is power in darkness. In darkness is light.... a paradox and irony of the highest kind but this is how it works.

Meditation, complete darkness and melatonin is the key to all universal power.

I am 46 years old and most people think I'm lying. Many think I am 28. It is the power of melatonin that causes this.

Go tell your friends...... tell them to do what jesus and buddha said to do....



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