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Date Posted: 07:18:37 06/04/17 Sun
Author: Knut Holt
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Interesting polls about events in childhood, teenhood and adulthood

Collected, edited and analyzed by Knut Holt


Please also see his websites with interesting information about alternative treatments, fitness and sex




You can use these polls to tell your own history or the history of someone you know about.

Alien abduction - investigation of memories of alien abduction or similar events, like abduction for surveillance and experimentation by governments or mafias



Extended, mandatory well-child examination under anesthesia - where the kid undergo endoscopic inspections in the intimate zone and other body areas, extensive ultrasound inspections, ex-rays of several body zones, intrusive specimen collection and body function testings:



Poll about cystoscopy or bladder inspections in kids and adults:



Secret, intimate, intrusive medical exams and procedures under anesthesia on kids and adults:



Called in for a strange physical or psycological exam:


All the polls also have a message board. The individual stories of each participant will be published here. Here you can add comments or ask questions.

Knut Holt


Please also see his website with interesting information about alternative treatments, fitness and sex




Teenage boy, Western Eyrope, complete health and development check, included internal pelvic exam

I am a male. I was a teenager. Year 2000 or after. In western Europe. I was examined at school. I was examined in a health centre.

Please tell more about the place where you was examined. Health centre at school by school nurse. How were you taken to the exam?Walked. Who did the exam? Two nurses. Who was also present during the exam? nurses and other students.


They made interrogations about my social relations and my daily life.


I was totally naked. My positions during the exam: Lying on my side and on my back I got a mild oral sedative to relax me but not to make me sleep. They inserted tubes into som blood vessels. I got electrodes on my body to record meurological and other functions.


They examined ears, nose, mouth, throat, breathing, heart, blood pressure.

Then they checked abdomen including x-rays and ultrasound and poking.

Then Checkrd genitals completely. all parts. including ultrasound from front and from between legs.

And then checked inside rectum, I think to check prostate and sexual organs.

They also took blood, urine, semen, nasal swab, throat swab.

They did an orthopedic exam.The exam ended with a complete muscular exam and response times to needles etc.


They slid down my foreskin and spread my urinary opening. They used a catheter to collect urine. They inserted a scope to look into my bladder.


They palpated my outer male genitals and testicles. They peformed a ultrasound exam on my genitals, including my testicles. They collected a semen specimen by means of prostate massage through my rectum. They examined my prostate with an ultrasound sond into my anus. They palpated my prostate with a finger into my rectum.

They let me masturbate to collect a semen specimen. They inspected firmness of erection and movement of testicles during arousal and orgasm.


They spread my cheeks and examined externally my rectal zone. They inserted a speculum into my anus to examine it internally. They took some measurements inside my rectum or bowel with a long tube-like instrument. They looked in through my rectum with a rigid optical scope. They examined my rectum with an ultrasound sond.

They performed internal ultrasound of prostate and other organs


I had strange irritation in my urethra and bladder zone. I knew it was examined, but left a weird feeling like some more was done than that i knew. The exam took a very long time. I think about 2.5 hours


What do you think was the reason for this exam? Did not know. The exam did not result in any diagnosis.


This was a general health check combined with a complete check of pubertal development status. It seems like it was mandatory for all students at the school during the puberty. The exam seemed to be performed by nurses with training in the exam protocol, but the collected data were surely gone through by doctors afterwards.

They seemed to have measured the inner sizes of his rectum and lower colon and probably measured muscular responses in the rectum and lower colon. In the material I have, this is very often reported, and most often on boys. It looks like authorities in some societies are very concerned about the rectal state of boys for various reasons.

It looks like they performed an electrocardiogram with electrodes on various places on the body. Furthermore is seems like they performed a neurological and muscle response exam with ordinary and needle electrodes.

This last exam is not common by development checks. The thorrough sexual reaction test is not so common either, but it occurs sometimes. Probably the exam included these elements for some research project.

Generally this looks like a shorted version of an international exam protocol that many societies around the world do on kids at specific ages, but with an extended muscular test as an added ingredient.

The exam took probably longer time than 2.5 hours, but the anesthesia made it difficuolt to record the time exactly.

Edited by Knut Holt



Girl, 9yo, Eatern Europe, pelvic exam and fondling and neurological tests by tutor

I am a mother, and this handles about my doughter that they examined at the age 9, year 2000 or after, in Eastern Europe. It happened at the house of a private tutor, in a room in the basement.

The tutor examined her with nobody other present.


He examined the organs inside her stomach, her genitals, her rectal zone, and generally her pelvic area. He inserted instruments inside her vagina and into her rectal opening. He also performed a neurological exam with elctrodes on her body.


He injected her with a relaxing drug which also was pain-killing. She got sedated but awake.She was totally naked and was placed laying on her back on the table.


He asked my daughter to undress. Lay her on the table on her back. Gave her a relaxing drug. Tied her legs and arms down. Began fundeling her nippels, vagina and clitoris, until she had an orgasm.

She felt realy cheap, embarrest and ashamed, about having an orgasm in fron of him. What do you think was the reason for this exam? He just felt for it. What is your opinion about this experience? Good for him.

He palpated her outer female genitals. Hespread her genital lips to look inside. heexamined her vagina with a speculum. He also tested her clitorial reactions.


They spread her cheeks and examined extarnally her rectal zone.


She was called in for quite another thing, but he also examined her genital and urinary zone. She was tied down, and it took him almost 2 hours. The exam took a very long time. The exam did not result in any diagnosis.


What this tutor did was sexual abuse and he highly probably had sexual gratification for the handlings. Still it possible that he did not do it only out of his own idea. Maybe he cooperated with some authorities in the community in order to check something and reported what he found back to these authorities.

These authorities might have been child protective agencies that tend to give children anesthesia more or less clandestinely and subject them to pelvic examinations, or let some kind of professional do it for them.

Possibly the ansethesia was meant to hinder the girl remember, and that more persons were in the room when it happened, but that she still remembered that reported here.

In the report it is told that he used electrodes at her body to test neurological reactions. This makes this assumption more probable.

It is also possible that the neurological examination was a part of the tutors service, but that he in addition took the opportunity to use the girl for own sexual gratifictation. The exact answar depend upon what kind of tutor this was.

Knut Holt

Girl, 4yo -12yo, San Jose, CA, Cystoscopies connected with dvelopment research and sexual abuse

I am female. I had problems down there. The exam took place in North America, San Jose, CA, every year from I was 4 yo to 12yo, years 2004-2016.

A doctor and nurse team performed the cystoscopy in a home visit, my father would be present during the exams.


Got some plain lie. My dad said it was necessary. It was a different doctor and nurse every time. The exams would happen several times a week. It was at home. my dad would have me strip naked before the doctor and nurse got there. Given enema during preparations.

First the nurse and then the doctor would touch me all over. It seemed to concentrate on my breasts and pelvis.

God lubricating and pain-killing fluid inserted in through the pee-hole. Got a tube into a blood vessel to give anesthesia. Got very sleepy but was conscious.


They put a rigid stick-like cystoscope in through the urethra. They pumped upp the bladder with air or gas when looking inside. They pumped up and irrigated bladder with water when looking inside.

They took out the scope and inserted a new scope to take further specimens. They also used an ultrasound probe on the stomach to inspect the bladder area.

They inserted an ultrasound probe in through the vagina to inspect the bladder and pelvic area. They inserted an ultrasound probe in through the anus to inspect the bladder and pelvic area.

As soon as a scope would start to not hurt they would start using a thicker one.


They inspected anus with a scope, and performed vaginal exams with a scope.


they always hurt. when i was 10 my vagina would get wet even though it hurt.


Had catheter in the bladder some time after the exam. Had to stay in bed more that a day after the exam. Got medicines into urethra with a syringe after the exam.

For hours after i also had a vibrating object in my vagina.


Got hormonal therapy or other medication for development disturbances. Had to have a cathetherization routine.

The hormones made me develop sexually very early. by age 9 I was wearing a special bra size 26C.


Had cystoscopy because of social or psychological problems or behaviour interpreted as symptoms of such problems. The cystoscopy was a part of a research project. I also heard them say that it was experiment in early sexual development and sexual response.


It was humiliating or awful. Since i was developing early my dad would have sex with me starting at age 7.


The girl is still only 13 years old. It is possible that some adult that know about these ordeal helped her answar or answared for her.

It is possible that the girl had a development problem they treated her for in the first place, possibly involving a too narrow urethra and narrowness in other parts of her urogenital organs, and possibly problems with pelvic functions and behavior interpreted as abnomal.

Possibly this community have a regular team that visit children in home do treat development problems and cooperate with the parents.

But in this case the ordeal seemed to have developed into something much more that was not for the good of the girl.

It seems like they used the girl in a research project regarding sexual and bodily development, and this experimentation must be regarded as child abuse. The father also used the ordeal as an opportunity to take sexual advantage of her doughter for his own gartification. The father probably got money for letting this project use her.

Some of the medical handlings described like feeling all over her body and the use of steadily thicker instruments in her urethra are not necessary wrong if it had been treat a development problem, but here it seems like much of the purpose got to be for experimentation.

Knut Holt



GIrl, 12 yo - Poland - cystoscopy to explore urination problems

My doughter had cystoscopy. The exam took place in Eastern Europe, Poland at 12 years old, year 2011. The cystoscopy occured in a hospital. Got an accurate explanation of what should be done and the reason. She was brought there by me, the mother. The reason was problems with urination.

Had to stop eating several hours before the cystoscopy. Given enema during preparations. Vitals taken like temperature, heart rate and blood pressure. A doctor came, asked questions and explained. A consent formula was presented and signed.

Anesthesia and arrangements:
Got a shot to calm down and make sleepy. Was totally naked during exam. She lay on back with legs in stirrups.

How the exam occured:
They put a rigid stick-like cystoscope in through the urethra. They pumped up and irrigated bladder with water when looking inside.","They took out the scope and inserted a new scope to take further specimens. The scope or a new intrument was inserted even further up towards the kindeys.

They inserted an ultrasond probe in through the anus to inspect the bladder and genital area. Other additional exams.

Arrangements before the exam:
Had catheter in the bladder some time after the exam. Had to stay in bed more that a day after the exam. Got medicines into urethra with a syringe after the exam.

Diagnosis and follow-up:
Diagnosis - valves or constrictions in the urethra. Had corrective surgery. Had to have a cathetherization routine.

It was unneccessary. It was painful.

It is uncertain how much of the information given here that is from what the doughter experiemced, from the mother present and seing all, or from information given.

The procedure described is a fairly standard examination for children with problems during urination. But it was added that other exams were done, but not what. The ultrasound inside her anal region probably had the purpose of getting a broad pelvic overview. In boys and younger girls the anus is typically used for that exam. In girls in full puberty and adult women the ultrasound is more often performed through the vagina.

Children that have such procedures will always be totally naked during preparations, and mounting, but then other body areas than just pelvic zones is usually covered. In the recovery period, the kid will again often be totally naked under a blanket.

If she was totally naked all the time, they probably did some additionl tests further up in her body with external instruments too, most probably ultrasound exams or x-ray pictures taken. The purpose was probably a full assessment of her development and pubertal status.

I guess that the mother left the room just after her doughter had been mounted so that she did ot see the whole procedure. I think that her doughter then was intubated, given full general anesthesia with artificial breething during the procedure, but not given information about this. The long recovery time seems to indicate that.

The mother indicates that she deems the procedure unneccessary. If she had a narrow urethra or some blockings there, it could have caused bigger problems in the future. But from the account it looks like they corrected it with a more major surgery, while it could be corrected with a fairly easy procedure.

Girl, 15 yo, Nevada, Cystoscopy to investigate voiding difficuloties

I am female. The exam took place in North America. Nevada, in 2003 When I was 15 years old.

The cystoscopy occured in a hospital. I got an accurate explanation of what should be done and the reason. My dad took me. It was a follow-up after visiting my primary doctor when I had minor pains and some difficulty peeing.


Had to stop eating several hours before the cystoscopy. Given enema at home before going. Got to a special preparation room. Had to undress completely and go to bed. Taken vitals like temperature, heart rate and blood pressure. A doctor came, asked questions and explained.

I lay on back with legs in stirrups. I got np anesthesia. I wasn't really worried or anxious or scared so i didnt need anything to calm my nerves. I got lubrication of my peehole but i dont think it had any pain killing effects. It felt weird but didn't really hurt.


They put a flexible snake-like cystoscope in through the urethra. They also used an ultrasond probe on the stomach to inspect the bladder area.


It was inconclusive. They didnt find anything wrong with me. suggested I drink plenty of water, cranberry juice. and green tea, and a followup with my primary doctor 2 weeks later unless it got worse.

The reason was problems with urination. The followup appointment was fine. My symptoms were gone. Doctor said it might be due to stress or something. It might have been where I worried it into existence. Had some trouble peeing, and some minor pains down there that led to speculation with me and my mom about what it was, which caused more worry...it turned out to be nothing.


It was useful. It was not any big deal. The exam felt really weird like it should hurt somehow but it wasn't painful at all. I think getting that exam put my mind at ease and whatever it was just went away.


With modern equipment and with a gental approach a cystoscopy is a very easy procedure that can be made painfree without deep sedation or general anesthesia. In reality can the anesthesia give more disconfort, trouble and risk than the procedure done without. Doing the procedure as in this case is mostly the best way.

Yet many health institutions always subject children and teens to deep sedation or general anestesia for this procedure and other simple procedures. This shows that there is a great amount of dishonesty in the health institutions and that they often do additional things they do not tell to the kid and not to the parents either.

But this girl was taken care of by a staff working in an honest way.

Knut Holt


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