Date Posted:14:31:27 10/09/06 Mon Author:Michelle Coello Subject: I just cant make it this Christmas.
Hello my name is Michelle. I have 3 children, 2 boys (8 & 5) and 1 girl (2). It is very hard when Christmas time comes and now that my children are getting older it is not easy to let is pass by also to afford what they want. I had a tough life growing up, which led me to having my first son at 16. I took full responsibility, I had no family around only my husband and I. That did not stop me from doing what was right and raising him. All was good until a year and a half later. My son kept getting sick for no reason, fine one minute and throwing up the next. For 3 months we took him to the doctors and nothing than I had enough took him somewhere else, the doctor said I know what is wrong with him, he brought in a machine asked me son for his finger (only 1y7m) and pocked it. The doctor put the blood on a strip that was in the machine and it read 556! Just what I though he said your son has diabetes, and he must be admitted to hospital and stay for awhile. That was at Christmas, we spent it in the hospital.
That was the start of our struggle. Good thing we found out what was wrong, we can now do what we can to help him get better. We had no idea what was to come next. The hospital bills were crazy, now on my credit but that is nothing compared to what I have to pay for his meds. As parents we work and do the best we can. We chose to give our children what our parents never gave us, but no matter how hard we try some times we just don't make enough for the extra things. Like my son and daughters b-day just pasted and I could not do anything or get anything for them. They did not put up a big fuss, but Christmas is getting close and they are already asking what is Santa bringing. I don't know is all I can say.
So I am posting this in hopes that some one could possibly help us out the Christmas 2006. It is very hard to ask for help. I did a lot of thinking before posting this, and every one needs a little help some time in life.
So I thank all who took the time to read this even if you can not help I means enough that you read it.
Michelle Coello
San Jose CA