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Subject: A very important message for Mote

Mt Rich Possi
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Date Posted: 09:56:19 11/15/03 Sat
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Mote if there is one thing I hate is when someone accuse me of lies. Mote all I can tell you brother is enjoy yourself have your fun making people life Miserable. Here is a perfect example Mote in the Bible there was a guy name Goliath strong and massive beating everybody in his power. A little boy name David put him down with a stone right in his forehead.

Mote there is one month I want you to remember and that's March. Keep the Ides of march on your calendar after that day you and I will meet face to face without that stupid Keyboard infront of us.

I was bringing the whole family to Grenada for a vacation but I made the decision to leave my youngest son back in Canada. Mote I am getting the information about you and I would be your worse nightmare.

As a young kid when Mama was taking me to St. Georges I couldn't sleep for days. I feel the same way coming to Grenada in March. I have never being so excited to come Grenada like how I feel now. I feel just like a little kid getting his first Ice Cream.

Again remember Mote enjoy yourself but I would ask you to spend a bit of time at the Gym you may need it in March. Bring all your friends and relatives, bring your dog and cat, bring your old granny too but I am bring one person. Someone that you got deported back to Grenada and he too have some questions to ask you.

Mote. March the ides of March.....

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Subject Author Date
Re: A very important message for MoteNazim A. Benjamin
12:34:56 11/15/03 Sat

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