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Subject: Re: Message for Brandy (Michael Douglas)

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Date Posted: 21:32:04 11/16/03 Sun
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In reply to: Mt Rich Possi 's message, "Message for Brandy (Michael Douglas)" on 20:50:52 11/16/03 Sun

which any woman he could get.puhleseeeeeeeeeee,he damn mouth soft soft,i can just imagine the gross out factor katherine goes through whenever they make out! ewwwwwww,he's not one of my faves at all.even harisson ford has broken off with his wife,byt possi what are you implying?? are you saying that it's ok for a MARRIED, man to have several women out there,and that particular hotchie should just be content wiith being the sex buddy?that she should not ever attempt to demand more of his time,money and emotions? he's obviously telling her stuff to keep her with him,so why not demand that he get a divorce and be with her? obviously he's having trouble at home hece the reason his outhere with all those hootchies.i think whoever a married man decides to cheat with is entitiled to the same time,effort ,money,etc to that of his so called wife!just because they may be the other woman dosen't mean that theya are any less.bottom line the man should not be cheating in the first place,and the hotchie he hooked up with should have more sel worth and instead of settling for second base.
in your opening staement it seems to me like you're trying to justify a cheating husband!
ah waiting to see wha u have to say mr man!
peace and love

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Re: Message for Brandy (Michael Douglas)MT Rich Possi
21:57:59 11/16/03 Sun

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