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Subject: Mote Rig the Election Poll on Talkshop

Mt Rich Possi
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Date Posted: 23:13:42 11/20/03 Thu
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Grenadians this is an important message for the few people that read the messages on this board.

Earlier today I got an email and a telephone call from a well known individual from Grenada. He inform me that this poll that Mote post on talkshop was done by a Company in Trinidad. I went ahead and I ask Mote to give me the name and address of the Company in Trinidad. Mote never answer my posting.

There could be some truth to that because Karl Marx work for Derek Ramsarooj A Trinidadian political consultant doing work for the NNP.

As I get the news I will post it on here so people would know what's going on. I do have people in Grenada informing me about every move Mote, Karl Marx and Engles make.

Just to let you know Mote & Karl Marx would be attending a big meeting in the upcoming days. My informer will informer me and I turn will let you know as soon as I get the information. I may have some pictures of Mote & Karl Marx to post on this forum very soon.

Again if you have anything to say about those guys don't use their realnames.

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Re: Mote Rig the Election Poll on TalkshopTFM
02:39:33 11/21/03 Fri

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