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Author: Knut Holt |
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Date Posted: 12:01:03 09/25/18 Tue Author Host/IP: Interesting research polls about strange or intrusive medical and psycological exams or procedures kids and adults are subjected to. You can use these polls to tell your own history or the history of someone you know about. The polls already have a lot of interesting testamonials you can read and comment upon. If the links are not active, you can copy them and use them in the address line of your browser where they will work. ------------------------------------------------- Extended, mandatory well-child examination under anesthesia - where the kid undergo endoscopic inspections in the intimate zone and other body areas, extensive ultrasound inspections, ex-rays of several body zones, intrusive specimen collection and body function testings: ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- Poll about cystoscopy or bladder inspections in kids and adults: --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- Secret, intimate, intrusive medical exams and procedures under anesthesia on kids and adults: -------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- Called in for a strange physical or psycological exam: ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- Alien abduction - investigation of memories of alien abduction or similar events, like abduction for surveillance and experimentation by governments or mafias ------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- All the polls also have a message board. The individual stories of each participant will be published here. Here you can add comments or ask questions. Knut Holt Please also see his website with interesting information about alternative treatments, fitness and sex ----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- LATEST TESTAMONIALS FOM MY POLLS Boy, 16yo, Asia, extensive tests and internal body inspections in Reform School. I am male. It happened in Asia. 2010-2014, 16 years old. At this time I were at a Reform school or Juvenile detention Center. The day before the exam I was informed about it and that because of that, I could not eat anything after lunch. As far as I know my parents didn't get any information. I don't know exactly how they selected the boys being examined, but might be: All children that have shown more than just standard interest for sexual matters. Children with some kind of unusual bahavior or interests. The exam took place in a separate building within the enclosed area of the Center. I was told to not dress in the morning and was taken to another room together with 4 other boys all naked. From there we were led in a group to the other building where the exams took place. I don't know exactly how they selected the boys being examined. OVERVIEW OF THE PREPARATIONS AND ARRANGEMENTS I was not allowed to eat some time before the exam. They washed my body before the exam. I got a traditional enema before the exam to clean out my stomach. I was totally naked through all the procedures. I had to strip totally naked before the exam. They placed me upon a simple examination table. They placed me upon an advanced surgical table. I was placed to lay on my back with my legs flexed up spread and mounted upon two devices. I got IVs tubes into blood vessels in an arm. I got a device on a finger or a toe to measure pulse and oxygen in my blood. I got a blood pressure monitor wrapped around an arm or a leg. I got electrodes on my cheast, my stomach or hip region, my legs, my head. I got a tube or wire in through my urethra. I got a tube or sond in through my anus. I did not get any anesthesia before late in the ordeal where I was uncoscious sveral hours. THE PREPARATIONS AND INITIAL MEASUREMENTS AS EXPERIENCED First I got an enema to clean out my bowels and then shower. After that I was taken into a examination room. There they started with weighing me and measure me, taking absolutely every thinkable measure on my body. Of course my height, and also measures around my body like neck, chest, waist, thighs, and such, but then also lots of more unusual places. They took measures of my genitals (soft and hard), arms legs, fingers, feet, and toes, nose, eyes, mouth, various measures across my upper body, distance between nipples , nipples to navel, navel to penis, diameter of nipples, diameter and depth of navel , and probably some more. They even pulled hard on my nipples to measure how far they could be stretched. This were done both standing and laying on a table. Then they put a lot of electrodes all over my body attached to some device, and I had to answer many questions. After that I was placed on a special examination table with a lot of advanced equipment around it. I was strapped to the table so I could not move. During the exam they changed position of my arms first to the side of my body, then stretched above my head. I also had a tube inserted into my mouth that was strapped in place so it could not come out. EXAMINATIONS WITH EXTERNAL EQUIPMENT They performed an EEC (electroencephalogram) - functional test of the brain with electrodes on the head. They performed an ECG functional test of the heart function with electrodes on my chest and other body areas. They performed an analysis of my breathing and oxygen uptake where I had to breath into a tube. They did some other type of test with advanced machines. They examined my head or neck, upper body, stomach area, shoulder area, hip area, arms and legs with an ultrasound device or something similar. They took chest x-ray pictures. They took stomach x-ray pictures. They took x-ray pictures of my shoulder area. They took x-ray pictures of my hip area. They took x-ray pictures of my limbs. They used electrodes to record functions inside my head, at my chest, at my belly, at my limbs. They examined my genitals with an ultrasound device. They had electrodes at my genitals to record functions in this area. OVERVIEW OF INTERNAL INSPECTIONS They ispected the inside of my nose with a scope They took specimens from my nose with a tube. They inspected the inside of my throut with a scope. They took specimens from my throut with a tube. They inspected the inside of my urethra and bladder with a scope. They took specimens from my urethra and bladder with a tube. They inspected my anus with a speculum. They took specimens from my anus with a tube. They inspected me through my anus with a rigid scope. They inspected me through my anus high up with a flexible scope. They performed a full colonoscopy with a flexible scope. They inspected me through my anus with an ultrasound probe. The doctor explored my anus with a finger. THE INTERNAL INSPECTIONS AS EXPERIENCED The internal exams was quite unpleasant, some was even painful since I didn't get any anesthesia. I don't know what they actually did but it took a long time, and they used many different devices both in my anus and especially in my urethra. Also during the whole exam they gave very much attention to my nipples and testicles. They also gave me some injections during the exam, and one time they gave injections right into both my nipples. They did so many things while I was strapped to the table. No one told me anything about what they did. But among others they took urine samples from my bladder, they made me ejaculate several times measuring the quantity and the time, until I could ejaculate again. They filled my bladder to measure the volume, and then also injected several different fluids into my bladder some of them stung quite bad before it was flushed out again. At some occasions they filled my bladder to max and kept it in there for a quite long time. ARRANGEMENTS AFTER THE EXAM They held me inconscious for some hours I had IVs into blood vessels. I had electrodes on my head. I had electrodes on my body. I had catheter into my bladder. I had a tube going in through my anus. I lay with my legs in stirrups some time after the exam. I just lay some time in a bed to recover. When I woke up after being held unconscious I was told I had been circumcised for health reasons and that I was to have a catheter in place for 2 to 3 weeks since they had done something inside my urethra. All the equipment except for the catheter was removed a little while after I woke up Then I was allowed to lay down on a bed for about an hour before I was taken back to my own bed. I walked back naked together with the other boys being examined that day. The whole procedure took over 12 hours. The next day I (and probably the other boys) was allowed to stay in bed to rest. FOLLOW-UPS IN THE TIME AFTER The circumcision healed good and quite fast and the catheter was removed by the ordinary facility nurse after about 3 weeks. My nipples were swollen and enlarged for several months after the exam and are still larger than before the exam. My nipples and genitals are also more sensitive after the exam. I was called back for some after check-ups duting the following months but these were not at all so extended. They lasted only 1-2 hours. Also for the check-ups I had to be totally naked all the time. THE SCHOOL I ATTENDED I went to some other type of school. It was a Reform School or Juvenile detention center whatever you like to call it where I was placed for two years at that time (2012-2013). COMMENTS This ordeal seems to have 4 purposes. It was an extensive health check, that included inspections and functional tests of all body regions and all basic physical and psychological reactions. The second puprose was to know as much about the boy so that they could best plan his reform schedule and daily handling. The third purpose seems to be anatomical body adjustments so that his body functions conformed as exact as posible to the shedules in the reform school and to correct functional problems that hi might have. They probably found something in his urinary system they decided to adjust. All the flusing of his bladder with different fluids were probably preparations before the adjustments and the circumcission which were done surgically when he was uncoscious at the end of the ordeals. The forth purpose seems to be scientific research regarding bodily reactions and development. The strange handling of his nipples and testicles probably had that purpose. Knut Holt -------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- Sister 14yo and brother 12yo getting puberty check and psychological assessment together I am a female. My brother and I were examined together so I will try to tell you what happened to both. I was 14 and my brother was 12, Year 2000 or after. In North America, Idaho. I was examined in a healthh center. we were driven there by Mom and a doctor examined us. OVERVIEW OF THE EXAM They examined my head, teeth or jaws. They did an orthopedic exam. They examined my genitals and did a general examination of my pelvic zones. They performed a psychological exam. They made interrogations about my social relations and my daily life. ARRANGEMENTS They examined me and my brother together. I was totally naked. My positions during the exam: on table mostly. THE PROCEDURE STEP BY STEP Firstly they told my brother and I to undress. Then they instructed us to pay close attention to each other's bodies, what makes us different. Thirdly they shaved off our pubic hair and my armpit hair. Then did the full physical exam on us. And then asked us lots of personal questions during the exam, about our masturbation habits. They also had us urinate into cups. The exam ended this way: told us "now that you have seen each other, there are no more secrets. Please add further comments. As we got dressed again, the doctor told me not to put my bra back on, talked about breast ligaments OPINION ABOUT THE ORDEAL What do you think was the reason for this exam? My brother had been spying on me a lot, I think they wanted to put an end to i. What is your opinion about thios experience? Well we weren't as curious about each other any more, but it was very embarrassing. URINARY AND GENITAL EXAM They had us pee into cups. They palpated the outar male genitals and testicles of my brother. They slid down his foreskin and spread my urinary opening. They let him masturbate to collect a semen specimen. They palpated my outer female genitals. They spread my genital lips to look inside. They examined my vagina with a speculum. RECTAL CHECK They spread our cheeks and examined extarnally our rectal zone. They examined our rectum with an inserted finger. They did this for both my brother and I as we watched each other. SOCIAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSESSMEMNT Someone came and performed a psychological test even though I was called in for quite another thing. The psychological parts were during the physical exam. FOLLOW-UPS Psychological or social counceling as follow up. They gave our parents a lot of paperwork with their findings but we weren't told. COMMENTS First of all this was a check of development and pubertial status, and this part is probaly standard in this community. But they added an assessment about the relationship between the sister and brother, and did so with direct observation. This also seemed to be a direct education of both of them about the difference between the two sexes. Furthermore this was a also an assessment on the psychological development with focus on the relationship between mental feelings and body. The reason for this part of the exam was surely concern for possible sexual relationship between the prother and the sister and for the psychological development of both. In some communities such a direct observation and education will be regarded as inappropriate, but not necessarily in all communities. It is possible that the doctor arranged it this way for own sexual gratification, but it may also be a standard in this community by certain concerns. Knut Holt ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ Girl 13yo North America pubertal status exam plus hair removal I am a female. I was a teenager. My exact age when this occured. 13 The exam occured in Washington, Year 2000 or after, in North America. OVERVIEW OF THE EXAM I was examined in a hospital. They examined my head teeth or jaws. They did an orthopedic exam. They examined my genitals. They did a general examination of my pelvic zones. I was totally naked. THE EXAM STEP BY STEP First they forced me to get naked. I was embarrassed to let my dad see me but they pulled my clothes off. Then carefully and completely went over my body head to toe, commenting on every part, proportion etc Thidly forced me to walk down the hall naked to another room Then washed me in a little shower cubicle They then lathered me up and shaved my whole body saying girls my age should have no body hair. They also rubbed a cream into my genitals, armpits, legs and arms, saying it would stop hair growing back. The exam ended by drying me off, walked me back to the first room so I could put my clothes back on COMMENTS AND QUESTIONS FROM THE GIRL ABOUT THE EXPERIENCE What do you think was the reason for this exam? I guess this is normal? No other girls I know have any hair so does everyone go through this? What is your opinion about this experience? I was so totally embarrassed. INTIMATE EXAM They did not examne my urinary system. They palpated my outer female genitals. They spread my genital lips to look inside. They examined my vagina with a speculum. They spread my cheeks and examined externally my rectal zone. OBSERVATIONS Nothing other real weird happaned. Dad said he would check me periodically to see if any hair was growing back COMMENTS Firstly this was an exam to check the puberty status and this part is normel at least in some communities. The removal of hair does not seem normal. It vary conciderably how much hair a girl has at the age if 13. It is normal not to have body hair and also normal to have some at this age. But it seems that all girls in this community are held hairless. It looks like the hair removal is a preparation for a more thorrough medical procedure planned at a later stage that all girls and also boys go through in some communities. In this procedure also the inside of the urinary system and lower digestive system is inspected. One also perfroms inspections through the nose and mouth and test of body functions. Knut Holt -------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- Boy, 6-12yo, Western Europe, yearly extensive endoscopic exams at school. I am male. It happened in Western Europe, 200-2014. My parents just told me it was time to go to the dr and drove me to the exam that happened at room in the school that was preliminary prepared for the event. It happened all children in my school of the age group. I was just taken, and didnt know how we were selected. I attended ordinary daytime school. PREPARATIONS I was not allowed to eat some time before the exam. I got laxatives at home to clean out my stomach the day before the exam. They washed my body before the exam. I was totally naked through alll the procedures. I had to strip totally naked before the exam. They placed me upon something like a dentist's chair, but with devices to lift my legs onto. I was placed to lay on my back with my legs flexed up, spread and mounted upon two devices. I got a device on a finger or a toe to measure pulse and oxygen in my blood. I got a blood pressure monitor wrapped around an arm or a leg. I got electrodes on my cheast. my stomach or hip region, on my legs and on my head. I got a tube or wire in through my urethra, and in through my anus. I cannot remember i got any anesthesia. EXAMINATION WITH EXTERNAL EQUIPMENT They performed an EEC (electroencephalogram) - functional test of the brain with electrodes on the head. They performed an ECG, functional test of the heart function, with electrodes on my chest and other body areas. They performed an analysis of my breathing and oxygen uptake where I had to breath into a tube. They examined my head and neck, my upper body, my stomach area, my shoulder area, my hip area, my arms and legs with an ultrasound device or something similar. They used electrodes to record functions inside my head, my chest, belly and my limbs. They examined my genitals with an ultrasound device. They had electrodes at my genitals to record functions in this area. They explored my penis with their fingers. INTERNAL INSPECTIONS They inspected the inside of my nose with a scope. They took specimens from my nose with a tube. They inspected the inside of my throut with a scope. They took specimens from my throut with a tube. They inspected the inside of my urethra and bladder with a scope. They took specimens from my urethra and bladder with a tube. They inspected my anus with a speculum. They took specimens from my anus with a tube. They inspected me through my anus with a rigid scope. They inspected me through my anus high up with a flexible scope. They performed a full colonoscopy with a flexible scope. The doctor explored my anus with a finger. ARRANGEMENTS AFTER THE EXAM I had electrodes on my head. I had electrodes on my body. I had catheter into my bladder. I had a tube going in through my anus. I lay with my legs in stirrups some time after the exam. I was still fully naked after the main exam was over, I had my penis examined again. COMMENTS This is a standard procedure children go through in selected communities or schools in all parts of the World, and these oreals seem to be coordinated internationally. It is used to screen for diseases, for surveillance of kids in the society and for research. Even though the ordeal involve very intrusive examinations, it is possible to perform it painless with modern equipment and only limited anesthesia. Still heavy anesthesia or even full general anesthesia are often used on kids at these ordeals, mainly to hinder the kids and the parents about knowing and remembering details of what is done and tell it to others. When many children in all age groups in a school go through the ordeal it is not economically feasible to apply advanced anestesia. Therefore it was not done in this case. Still I think some anestesia was given, probably through the anus of the boy or through the air he breathed. Knut Holt -------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- Boy, 16yo, USA, several experimental endoscopies and surgeries I am male. It happened as early teen, 16yo, in North America, in USA, in year 2010 or later. The procedure happened in a hospital. My stepdad took me to see a doctor who said I would be a perfect patient for some small procedures. I was picked up from a location with my stepdad by an ambulance. I was not often given resons for the procrdures,as I was only given orders . OVERVIEW OF THE PROCEDURES DONE I had an exam or surgery in my chest, in my stomach area, in my upper stomach with instruments through my mouth. I had cystoscopy or other procedure through my urethra. I had an exam or procedure through my anus. I had several done over a 4 month period. The first one I had was a laparoscopic surgery of my belly, at least that's what I was told. My second one was on my heart. My third one was on my belly again and they told me I had my appendix taken out. The others were exams of my stomach and intestines and bladder. I also had brain surgery. SYMPTOMS AFTER THE PROCEDURES I had pain, irritation or other problems in my nose, my mouth, my urethra or bladder and my anus or rectum. I had pain, irritation or gas in my colon or lower stomach. I had pain or irritation in my esophagus or upper stomach. My parents or others giving hints or remarks about unexpected symptoms or signs. Just pain and irritation of parts of my body. THE ANESTHESIA GIVEN I was given sedative medicines through my mouth. They gave me sedative medicines through my anus. I was given medication intravenously. They gave me gas through a mask. I was awake but drowsy from the anesthesia sometimes, but other times I was unconscious all the time. It depended on the procedure I had done for some I was put out others I was awake or half asleep DETAILS I REMEMBER OR KNOW ABOUT THE PROCEDURES I mainly remember what happened on my day of arrival and the day I got to go home and another day as well. My first day I was taken to an exam room that had a gown hanging in it and was told to go behind a screen and take everything off. They put my clothes in a bag and looked them in a storage locker that I had to close with a thumb print. After I had an exam plus my blood pressure taken my stepdad signed some forms and then I was brought to a room and told I had to shower and put on some clothes on the bed and then lie on it. My last day I had to shower and put on a gown and then was examined again and my stepdad took me home in the ambulance. ARRANGEMENTS AFTER THE MAIN PROCEDURE I don't really know where it was I was 16 at the time. It was pretty scary at times because I was alone and naked or in plastic hospital gowns a lot. I had IV tubes in blood vessels and breathing tube only after I had my heart surgry . I had catheter into my bladder a few times, they also pumped out my bladder a couple of times . I did not have tube in my anus after I woke up, but they did pump my stomach once. I had heart monitor for a day or two after each surgery. I don't really remember about other monitoring equipment. I remebered the procedures only when I was supposed . COMMENTS The boy was used in an experimental project, not for his own good in the first place, and he was probably also subjected to tiisue theft. It is possible that the stepfather got money for what was done. Even though he does not say it, it is probable that the boy had a prehistory in a child protective setting and that the stepfather was a foster care father. Kids taken hold of by child protective agencies are frequently abused by projects connected to research institutions and great medical companies. The stomach pumping he talks about was probably a cleaning procedure, or a intestinal test procedure, and so also the bladder pumping. Bladder and stomach pumping through the anus is frequently told about in these testamonials. It is possible they found something that suggested je could benefit from brain surgery and heart surgery, but I strongly suspect that these also were experimental. It is probably true that they took out his appendix, but they did it to collect tissue, not to treat the boy for any illness. Knut Holt -------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- Boy, 10yo, North America, unexpected brain surgery with circumcission I am male. It happened as preteen 10yo. The procedure happened in USA, in the years 2000-2009. Other kind of exam or procedure. I had brain surgery. They only told me I was going to have surgery and then when I got to the hospital they told me I was having surgery to make me a good boy. My parents brought me. I was 10 years old and it happened at a children's hospital. PREPARATIONS AND ANESTHESIA They gave me gas through a mask. They gave me gas through a tube down my throut. This is usually not remembered because one gets other medication first. I was awake but drowsy from the anesthesia. They put a mask on me to put me to sleep for part of time . The procedure happened in a hospital. THINGS REMEMBERED FROM THE PROCEDURE They also woke me up for part of it and I had a tube in one of my nostrils going down my throat. It was kind of Cool when they woke me up for the brain surgery because they talked to me during it. SYMPTOMS AND OBSERVATIONS AFTER THE PROCEDURE My underwear was messed up or other signs that I had been stripped naked at my lower body. The time till I regained consciousness was at least twice before I woke up than expected. I was awake and asleep for parts of it but, when I woke up after the whole thing was done I had no underwear on I did woke up circumcised ARRANGEMENTS AFTER THE PROCEDURE I had IV tubes into blood vessels on me that i do not know what were for. I had a mask. Yes I had catheter, it was connected to a bag I had heart monitor, blood pressure cuff and a brain wave monitor They asked me how I was feeling and stufg. I only remember from the procedure when when they woke me up no. COMMENTS Based on the account, it does not seem that the boy was ill in any usual sense that gave reason for the surgery. It is possible he suffered from some kind of epilepsy that gives behavior symptoms. But it is also possible they performed a sort of psychiatric surgery to alter emotions and behavior that did not conform to narrow standards set by the society. The circumcission was possibly done only to harvest the tissue in the foreskin, because this tissue is use for treatments of other patients, and for research, and is sold on the organ market. In either case, circumcision is seldom the best solution for any problem a boy himself may have. Even the brain surgey and the circumcission, possibly was done for other reasons that the good of the boy himself, it did not feel very traumatic for the boy. General anesthesia adminitered through a tube going through the nose is done for practical reasons sometimes. Also waking a pationt up during brain suregy to test where specific functionds are situated in the brain is also sometimes done, so these are noremal procedures. It is possible that they did some alterntions also in his inner genital organs in order to modify behavior, and this may also be one of the reasons for circumcision. Knut Holt --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- Preteen boy, Eastern Europe, intrusive examinations and tissue sampling for research I am male. It happened as preteen 10-12 The procedure happened in Eastern Europe including the whole of Russia, in the years 1980-1989. The procedure was done in Scientific Institut of Medicone. SYMPTOMS AFTER THE PROCEDURE I had slime, bleeding, discharge or rest of lubrication coming out of my urethra. I had signs of needles having been stuck into my stomach or breast area. When I woken up I had special feeling in mouth and neck. I found a sign after surgery on my chest. I woken up in room where a lots of boys like me were lying all full naked. PREPARANTIONS INITIAL PROCEDURES AND ANESTHESIA My parents got a message I have to go for special medical exam which takes few days. Based on the instructions I received through parents I had to be in school at 5:00pm, two hours earlier than usually. The only requirements was to bring some bag. At school there was around 10 other boys at the same age as I was. We were talked to strip totally down and put all clothes in bags. Then we kept the bags in locker rooms, our hands were restrained behind the back and were led to minibus. Despite it was for 8 passengers only there was 12 boys or something like that. The minibus drove around 50 minutes, and I can see the information table on the gate where we entered the final place- it was Scientific Institut of Medicine. It takes totally at least two days maybe more. I was naked all the time - from the moment when I came into the school until we come back. When we came to the place I participated on medical checkup: weighting, measuring blood pressure, listening of hearth, neurological exam, and also check of penis with sliding of my foreskin over the glances. Then I lied on exam table got a mask and they gave me gas through the mask. OVERVIEW OF THE PROCEDURE Based on the synptoms afterwards and arrangements I guess some of these things happened: I had dental work. I had an exam or surgery in my stomach area. I had cystoscopy or other procedure through my urethra. I had an exam or procedure through my anus. They performed orthopedic surgery in my hip region. They performed orthopedic surgery at my arms or shoulders. They performed orthopedic surgery at my legs. Definitely I had a surgery in stomach area because I find marks after surgery oh there. Also they probably done some etching in my mouth as I had very special feeling in mouth and neck. I had woken up with catheter both from anus and penis. I suppose also some procedures in this area. Reason was an d still is not known. I do not know what the main procedure was. I believe that it was some secret operation to collect information about youth men. ARRANGEMENTS AFTER THE PROCEDURE I had IV with some water in the vacuum over me. I had ECG electrodes on my chest hand and legs. No. I did have catheter and I was told that I can pee without hesitation and the pee is coming to some machine. I also had catheter into my anus. I had typical ECG electrodes, my hearth activity was measured when woken up. They checked me quickly. When I was Woken up I was not in the bed. I lied on the floor in room like gym with mattresses on floor. There was around 70 other boys as me with electrodes IVs and catheters. No. COMMENTS This was a grand scale project for collecting extensive medical data on young boys. Probably the same happened to young girls. They took out tissue and body fluid samples and inspected all body areas internally with endoscopes through all natural body openings and openings made for the purpose. The boys were held under general anesthesia some days where all this was done. It is possible that the area had a grand scale program also to adjust the anantomy, body functions, emotions and behavior to strict standard set by the society. Even though Eastern Europe is most associated by such programs in the public opinion, I have materials suggesting that the western region is equally eager to perfom such programs on kids. It looks that they sampled tissue or made adjustments especially in the great joints, the urinary system and the digestive system of the boys. The symptoms and the support for body functions applied on the boys suggest this conclusion. These type of projects are not only history. They continue in steadily more societies around the world even more than before. 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