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Subject: Obeah in Grenada | |
Author: Mt Rich Possi |
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Date Posted: 17:44:47 11/10/03 Mon Author Host/IP: Grenadians this thing they call Obeah is all a bunch of foolishness in my books. I remember when was I living in Grenada back in Snell they had a lady there called miss Irene. Every year she use to have this thing she called a Shango dance. A bunch of people come and eat from fig leaves they put on the ground after they eat they start to beat drums and make a hole heap ah noise to wake the Neighbourhood. Miss Irene always say every year she have to do that to chase the evil spirits in Snell Hall. As far as I am concern she was the evil spirit in Snell Hall at the time. Another time a woman got a stove in Mt Rich and they claim stones were coming from the stove and everytime a stone come from the stove it hit the woman. They claim some jealous woman put obeah in the stove to affect this woman. Another story I heard was about this man that stole a woman ripe Plantain. The woman work an Obeah on him and block his intestine so he could not use the toilet. The man suffer for month his belly get big and he was in constant pain. After months of suffering he died. As I said before Oheah is all a bunch of Nancy stories carried to the Caribbean by our foreparent from Africa. I heard so much stories about sprits walking late at night and places where the spirits resides. I walked all hours of the night in Grenada and I haven't seen one spirit. As a matter of fact a friend and I use to dress up in white and hide under a mango tree where the Spirit resides just to scare people off when Mango was is in season. There is always an answer to this so called Obeah. (1) The man with the block intestine could have been from eating to much stiff dumplings. I say if they had given him a good washout he may have still be alive today (2) The Woman with the stove it's all a myth. My Grandmother told me that this story was around when she was a kid. (3) The Shango drums beating and people getting powers to chase away the evil spirits in Snell Hall is all a bunch of foolishness. I walk all hours of the night in Snell hall and the only thing that scare me in Snell Hall were the big Serpents that come out a night. Again I have yet to see any proven fact to make me believe there is something call Obeah. Foolishness... Nuff said [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] |
Subject | Author | Date |
Re: Obeah in Grenada | Vanni ( | 01:48:59 11/13/03 Thu |