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Subject: Do u ever give up?

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Date Posted: 06:36:13 01/11/05 Tue
In reply to: ** 's message, "HAHA" on 21:07:38 01/08/05 Sat

Ok for the last time u know nothing about that incident...were u there? were u looking through my eyes or gary's? no! so u wouldn't know what we saw or didn't see......I would NEVER leave somebody hurt no matter if I hated them or they were my best friend...and I sure as hell wouldn't hunt down some stranger and hurt them the way that alicia got hurt....u don't even know how bad we felt ok....if we knew she was hurt something would have been done sooner than it was....however we didn't know until a week later and we went straight into the police station do u think we would turn ourselves in if we did it on purpose? don't u think we'd try to hid from everything? fuck ur stupid... and all this shit about us hunting her down cause she slept with my bf...whoever thinks that can forget it cause i have never met the girl in my life and u could ask her the same she'll say she doesn't know me....and i wouldn't write a message trying to be somebody but myself. that's a little low and if u haven't noticed every post i've written has my name in it.....also i'm sure if u knew any of the truth about me instead of listening to little bitches who start rumours to get a kick out of life u'd know i'm not a slut...have u been watching me my whole life? following me into a bedroom with somebody when i happened to enter one? if not u have no idea....i can guarentee 100% that there r girls out there, probably ur friends or ppl u know, that have slpet with more guys than i have...but will say shit about them? no...cause u know them better right and u'd rather start shit about somebody u don't know.....as for gary, he's probably a lot older than u bitches therfore u probably don't know shit about him either.....plus he hasn't been living back in owen sound for too long he's been away at school so hmmmm makes me wonder what u have on him.....fuck get a life and stop writing shit about me on here it's old......grow up
i'd rather u come say something to my face then hid behind a damn computer screen...oh right! ur fucking gutless

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hahahahahahahyour fucked12:57:49 01/11/05 Tue

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