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Subject: ridiculous

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Date Posted: 06:47:10 12/07/04 Tue
In reply to: ???? 's message, "???" on 05:34:12 12/07/04 Tue

I can't believe u ppl....why would somebody else's life bother u so bad? Does it really matter? U bitch and bitch and bitch some more about the girls being sluts but do u look at the guys? How many girls have each of them slept with in such a little time? Don't know? ask some of them...u'd be surprised....Just because it isn't ur life style doesn't mean u need to run ur mouth...I have known Meghan all through highschool and I have nothing against her, she is a super nice girl...isn't that all that matters? Who's cares if she is getting a piece...r u jelous?....Seems to me any girl that even associates with the Attack is a slut, I'll say that from experience I was friends with a few 3-4 years ago and it seems nothing has changed.....how do u know these girls r sleeping with them? Do u follow them into a room? Didn't think so....guys can and will lie so ppl will think their macho and got a piece....again I know this from experience....So don't be harsh on the girls ok....life is confusing no matter what ur dealing with and getting to the point when u want to have sex or who with is a hard thing to deal with and yes some ppl make mistakes....I think it's hilarious how u all come on here and hid behind a computer screen and shit....if ur name was out there would ppl say shit about u? Probably right?
Why don't ya just drop it it's not ur life so u have nothing to worry about.....
thanks for reading...goodbye

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Subject Author Date
oh let me guesssound11:29:36 12/07/04 Tue
  • bull shit -- sounder, 12:49:55 12/07/04 Tue
    • hahahaha -- bullshit, 13:08:33 12/07/04 Tue

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