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Subject: You are a tard

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Date Posted: 15:56:28 12/16/04 Thu
In reply to: Girls 's message, "Jealous" on 13:13:39 12/16/04 Thu

It's really funny to see you stick up for trampy looking girls. Whats wrong.. got a closet full of belly shirts and you took what I said personally. Let me guess you are 15 right? A little under-ager who thinks they know everybodies story. Well hun I hope when you get into the real world and graduate from grade nine that you'll see what I think isn't nessesarly what you have to agree with. And what makes you think that I'm some slut who got fucked and chucked. Even more so what makes you believe that i'm jealouse of something that preys on hockey players? It's one thing to be friends with them I think that's just fine and dandy but to sleep around is just plain sluty. No one puck bunny will be taken home to mom.. just passed around like a piece of meat. No way in hell would i subject myself to that. Unlike you i'm about something more then a one night stand with the forward on the attack. So before you start calling on someone you dont know.. keep in mind that I really don't care whether or not you see my views because i could give 2 shits about you or your opinion.

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ur theTARD16:55:34 12/16/04 Thu

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