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Date Posted: 01:05:38 11/14/03 Fri
Author: John
Subject: Comments about picking Judge's in senate

Falwell Confidential

I thought ya'll might like to read this it show's where this country is going , maybe America is the Mystery Babylon ? John

Date: November 13, 2003
From: Jerry Falwell


As I write this column, a dramatic debate is taking place in the Senate

The "Justice for Judges" debate initiated by Republicans began Wednesday
evening as a last-ditch effort to compel filibustering Senate Democrats to
allow a vote on four of President Bush's judicial nominees.

Democrats have refused to allow a vote on these four well-qualified nominees
largely because they embrace a Judeo-Christian perspective in their personal
lives. It's important to note that several other Bush nominees face
potential filibustering by Democrats in the near future. This type of
filibuster has never before taken place in the Senate.

During the Senate debate, Democrats have used phrases such as "fair and
balanced," "political mainstream," and "an independent judiciary," but it is
painfully clear that the Democrats are adamant in refusing a vote on the
nominations of individuals who do not tow the traditional Democrat line -
because of their religious faith - on abortion rights. The legal merits of
these individuals have been completely ignored.

Sen. Wayne Allard (R-Colo.) noted on Thursday morning that there is a
"double standard being imposed by Democrats" against these very competent

The reason for the filibuster is obvious. It is a precursor to the likely
Supreme Court nomination process that the next president will likely face.
If President Bush wins reelection -which appears quite likely considering
his meager opposition - Senate Democrats want to send a clear message that
they will not accept a future U.S. Supreme Court nomination that has deeply
held religious beliefs, specifically on abortion.

That's a frightening proposition. In essence, the Democrats are saying,
evangelical Christians and conservative Catholics need not apply for
judicial posts. Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) called this notion "religious
McCarthyism" on Thursday, but I believe the charge is appropriate.

The action by the Democrats is stark partisanism - and ultimately religious
persecution - at its ugliest.

On the Senate floor, Sen. Judd Gregg (R-N.H.) specifically noted that the
Democrats have established a "litmus test" to defy appellate nominations
holding personal religious beliefs that counter the political agenda of the

Mr. Gregg said he could actually sign on to a litmus test that determined
whether a nominated justice was honest, fair, intelligent or had proper
experience. But he charged that the Democrats' "fundamentally wrong" litmus
test says that if a justice has an individual belief that contradicts
Democrat standards on issues like abortion, he/she will be stringently

Sen. Gregg said that under this type of philosophy it is likely that every
judicial nominee who subscribes to the Judeo-Christian faith - even though
they have made it clear that these views do not affect their judicial
decisions - will not be confirmed.

Sen. Gregg called this "extreme prejudice."

Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) also identified the "secularization of America"
that is involved in this action.

I fully agree with these men.

It is glaringly clear that the Democrats have drawn a line in the sand that
is designed to tell President Bush that no religious conservatives will be
accepted by their party. This political war will be even uglier if
President Bush has the opportunity to appoint a conservative Catholic,
evangelical Christian or pro-life Jew to the U.S. Supreme Court.

I pray that he has the chance to do just that ... several times.

Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) has charged that "only a far-right, extremist
militant" would make the charges I've made in this column and that a few
senators have made on the Senate floor.

But Sen. Arlen Specter (R-Pa.), hardly a member of the alleged vast
right-wing conspiracy, thankfully arose to challenge Mr. Schumer's wild
accusation, noting that he believes the four nominees deserve the respect of
a Senate vote.

I encourage readers who have senators who have opposed a vote for President
Bush's qualified nominees to contact them via e-mail today. Considerately
encourage them to allow a vote for the four nominees. You may find your
senators' e-mail addresses by visiting this site:


"The Gospel of John," a major motion picture called "thought-provoking
entertainment" by the Associated Press, is now showing in theaters in
Lynchburg and throughout Virginia.

I recently had the opportunity to view the film, and it made a tremendous
impression on me.

Several things particularly excite me about "The Gospel of John." First,
the script is a word-for-word adaptation of the entire Gospel of John
(American Bible Society's "Good News" Translation).

Second, the film is obviously produced with the highest professional
standards. "The Gospel of John" has received rave reviews from Christian
leaders as well as media outlets, including The New York Times, Variety, The
Hollywood Reporter and the Associated Press. The National Association of
Evangelicals has given the film its first ever "Seal of Approval" for
excellence. In fact, "The Gospel of John" garnered the highest per-screen
dollar average of any film playing during its U.S. premiere and is going
strong as it rolls out across the country.

I would be proud to take anyone, Christian or non-Christian, to see this

If the film is successful in the theaters, the producers plan to make more
like it. It is up to us - Christian consumers - to ensure that this film is
successful. This is a wonderful opportunity to support a film that would
provide wholesome, high-quality entertainment for our families. In
addition, this film, and more like it, would be a powerful educational and
enlightenment tool to bring others into the Kingdom of God and can serve to
deepen the understanding of those who already believe.

If you have not seen the movie and are interested in seeing it, please check
your local listings or visit http://www.GospelofJohntheFilm.com to find out
where the film will be playing. Please spread the word about this important
film by forwarding this e-mail to your friends and family.

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