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Subject: Re: !Deleted!

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Date Posted: 09:55:48 11/15/03 Sat
In reply to: T.J & Tye 's message, "Re: !Deleted!" on 06:20:13 11/15/03 Sat

She looked back as she heard Tye come into the kitchen and the tip of her tail twitched in greeting. As he settled down to sleep, she turned back to watch T.J. The dog beds looked cozy and Tye obviously enjoyed them, but she was too wired to sleep–nerves and natural youthful energy. Being indoors as well felt quite strange and the sunlit patio was at least outside. And the man was resting peacefully, so she cautiously moved around the patio, sniffing curiously. As she completed her investigations, she looked uneasily to the man and whimpered slightly. How confused she was! Fine breeding and instinct told her to trust this man but memories warned her otherwise. Flattening her ears, she sat quietly at a distance from her new owner. An urge to nudge his hand frightened her; she was starved for more than simply food, but each time she sought love, she found herself more alone than ever before, with more than bodily bruises. But...her spirit remained unbroken, and she looked at the man in spite of herself with a rising hope in her young eyes. Lowering her forelegs to the ground, she dared to stretch out her nose and scoot forward, still far enough away to flee untouched if necessary.

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Re: !Deleted!T.J07:01:36 11/16/03 Sun

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