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Subject: Re: ¤...Ely Siriar El Sila...¤

T.J & Tye
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Date Posted: 13:54:52 11/24/03 Mon
In reply to: Cleo 's message, "¤...Ely Siriar El Sila...¤" on 20:35:38 11/23/03 Sun

T.J returns with the four pups and lays them next to their parents gently. Pats both dogs on the head lightly and leaves the new family alone to bond and get to know eachother.

Tye licks the pups after T.J sets them back down then lays his dial on Cleos shoulder. He nuzzled her neck gently as he watches over his new family.


Altai, a 2-syllable *unisex* name of Not available or unknown origin
amani, From the Arab meaning 'wishes, desires, aspirations. *Unisex*
anaos, Spanish derivitive of Ana *f*
anthea, Latinised derivitive of Greek 'Antheia', meaning 'flowery' *f*
asa, Biblical. From the Hebrew for 'healer' *f*
aurelia, From the Latin for golden, dawn. *f*
aviva,From the Hebrew for 'springtime'. Alternatives: Avital, Avi, Avia, Avivah
missy, A form of 'miss'. Like Sissy for 'sister' *f*
moira, An Irish variation of Mary
calista, Italian, from Old Latin meaning fair, good *f*
corbin, Old French for 'raven' *m*
orion, From the Latin for 'dawn' and Greek for 'east' *m*
rae, Old English for 'doe' *unisex*
raissa, From the Old French for 'thinker' and Greek for 'rose' *f*
rue, An herb name from the Greek and Latin signifying remembrance *m*
rylan, Old English for 'dweller in the rye field' *unisex*
rhea, From the Greek for 'stream' or 'mother' *f*
trixie, English pet name derived from Beatrix *f*
tate, Middle English for 'cheerful' *m*
tobias, From the Hebrew for 'God is good' *m*
trent, From the Latin for 'torrent' *m*
thalia, From the Greek for 'blooming'. *f*
Tynan, From the Old English word for Tye
tyne, Old English for 'river' *m*
neda, Slavic for 'born on Sunday' and English for 'sanctuary' *f*
nessa, Old Norse for 'headland' *f*
nye, Pet form of Welsh Aneurin. Middle English for 'island dweller' *m*
neva, Spanish for 'covered in snow' *f*
heidi, A shortened version of Adelheid *f*
sabina, Latin for 'Sabine woman' *f*
jer, Hebrew for 'chosen by God' *unisex*
jermyn, Latin for 'German' *m*
brice, Celtic for 'swift' *m*
bryn, Welsh for 'hill' *unisex*

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¤...Ely Siriar El Sila...¤Cleo21:39:57 11/25/03 Tue

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