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Date Posted: 09:33:25 09/24/04 Fri
Author: J.R.Smith, c.f.t.,s.f.t., p.n.s. - ISSA, USSA, ISFN
Subject: The Absolute Truth About

The Absolute Truth About

There are two approaches toward weight-management. The first is the "magic-theory." The second is the "Fitness or Lifestyle" approach.

The Magic Approach

The magic-theory often incorporates restricted-calorie starvation diets, pills, hypnosis, pre-packaged foods, etc. You may remember the infamous liquid-diets, grapefruit diets, amphetamine diet pills, the Hollywood Diet, Scarsdale Diet Plans, "fen-phen" and most recently, the Atkins Diet fad.

The magic theory approach is appealing because it requires no responsibility. You simply fall into a "system" and "they" tell you what to do. You don’t even need to think. (You just need to suffer). The system has all the answers. And if you fail, well, then it’s your fault because you weren’t a good "dieter." The magic-theory has left millions of people in hopeless despair (and hungry) in their never-ending quest to be thin.

The Fitness Approach

Meanwhile, beneath the clamor of misleading advertising, dieting "gurus" and multi-level weight-loss schemes, the Fitness Industry has quietly and methodically helped millions of people throughout the world achieve long-term weight-management and fitness goals. How? By using common sense!

Weight-management programs designed by fitness professionals focus on two primary elements -- proper nutrition and productive exercise.

Fitness experts focus on body-composition (body-fat vs. lean mass) instead of body weight.

You’ll also find that many fitness organizations emphasize the physiological aspect of weight-management as opposed to the psychological side. This makes sense since most fitness experts receive their training in exercise physiology, nutrition or other life sciences related to the physical world.

So, it is to that end, the physiological aspect of weight-management, that this page, and our entire web site is dedicated. Fitness will help you understand the delicate balance and interrelationships our bodies maintain with food and exercise.

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