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Date Posted: 16:03:25 02/15/05 Tue
Author: J.R.Smith, c.f.t.,s.f.t., p.n.s. - ISSA, USSA, ISFN
Subject: Cortisone blockers - Cortislim?

With regard to the many cortisol blocker products on the market today we advise against their use. While the stress hormone cortisol does stimulate the deposition of fat in the abdomen and elsewhere, this fat deposition occurs only when cortisol is produced in great excess due to medication or as a result of such hormonal disorders as Cushing's syndrome, a relatively rare disease.

There are no scientific studies suggesting that the amount of cortisol produced by healthy humans under stress is sufficient to cause fat deposition. In other words, if your body were producing enough cortisol to make you fat, you would be sick.

You may be interested to know that on Oct. 5, 2004, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) filed suit against the marketers of one well know cortisol blocker product: CortiSlim, contending that the companies made false or unsubstantiated claims, including one that virtually everyone who uses CortiSlim would lose 10 to 50 pounds.

The FTC is seeking to force the companies that market CortiSlim and CortiStress to reimburse consumers. (CortiStress is advertised for risk reduction or prevention of such conditions as osteoporosis, obesity, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, cancer and cardiovascular disease. The FTC, correctly, said that these claims were false or unsubstantiated.)

Now you know the rest of the story. Provided to you by the only professional fitness training service that could bring this to you, BioFit Exercise Technologies, a certified training service in association with the International Sports Sciences Association.

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