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Date Posted: 08:44:30 03/17/05 Thu
Author: J.R.Smith, c.f.t., s.f.t., s.p.n.
Subject: Aerobic exercise fights depression

Aerobic exercise fights depression

United Press International

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

DALLAS, Jan 25, 2005 (United Press International via COMTEX) -- Regular aerobic exercise is just as effective as antidepressant drugs and cognitive therapy in reducing adult depression, researchers said Tuesday.

Researchers at the University of Texas' Southwestern Medical Center, Alberta Children's Hospital and the Cooper Institute said their study is the first to look solely at exercise to reduce depression. They found people who exercised 30 minutes three to five times a week show a 50 percent drop in depression, and even those who exercised moderately registered a 30 percent decline.

Researchers, reporting in the January issue of the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, said their findings put exercise on par with drugs and therapy examined in earlier studies when treating depression among adults age 20 to 45.

"The effect you find using aerobic exercise alone in treating clinical depression is similar to what you find with antidepressant medications," said Madhukar Trivedi, a University of Texas professor and author of the study. "The key is the intensity of the exercise and continuing it for 30 to 35 minutes per day."

The study, which included 80 people randomly placed into five groups with varying exercise levels, was funded by the National Institute of Mental Health and fitness equipment maker Technogym.

Copyright 2005 by United Press International

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