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Date Posted: 14:12:29 09/30/06 Sat
Author: J.R. Smith
Subject: Welcome discussion from ISSA board on homosexuality and how God sees it

Hey guys,

Welcome to my private forum where I will allow any subject to be discussed as long as we respect on another and don't get into name calling or bashing of each other.

I am a Christian, a certified bible counselor through the American Association of Christian Counselors and a long time student of the Bible studying the Word and its original text in greek and hebrew. I can tell you there is little difference in the New International Version and the New American Standard, which the latter is considered the most accurate translation from greek and hebrew into english. But I can use whatever text you prefer in order to help you clearly see God's word and His perfec will for our lives.

We must see that homosexuality is actually Satan's plan and perversion of God's perfect plan of going forth, multiplying and producing fruit, which is God's plan, producing fruit. Homosexuals cannot reprodue and Satan knows that. Since it is the enemy that is always attempting to destroy the beauty of God's perfect plan (look what he did in the garden of eden) we know that homosexuality is a sin against God's perfect plan for man and his union with the opposite sex.

If anyone visits here from the ISSA board and would like for me to post scriptures concerning this issue, I would be more than happy to do so. You will see there is so much scripture about God's view on this abominable sin, that it might just surprise you and give you pause to think. It will help you to begin to pray for those who are lost in the sin of homosexuality and dismiss the thought that they are born this way. Why would God send someone into this earth in a perverted sin allowing that person all their life think God made them that way only causing their sin to keep them out of relationship with God? That would make God a double minded man as the scriptures declare in James 1:8. God is not double minded but too many of His people are thinking in the terms of the world and God says that our ways are not His ways, so we need to be thinking differently on that issue. He totally destroyed two cities over homosexuality, Sodom (where we get the sin of sodomy) and Gomorrha. He even gave the people there a chance to repent and they didn't and therefore He totally and utterly destroyed that city. Since God does not change, He still views homosexuality the same way He did during that time, only this time, we now have Jesus as our intercessor who is pleading the cause of God through the Holy Spirit convicting us of our sin and leading us to the light of His word to save us, even from homosexuality.

I hope we can use this board productively so we can see the light of the Word of God, get a clear understanding on His will and walk the way He intended us to walk.

In the meantime, may the light of His Word open your hearts and minds through the precious Holy Spirit.

In His service,


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