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Subject: x.x Demon's Daughter x.x

x.x Veronica T x.x
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Date Posted: 22:27:38 07/21/04 Wed

x.x Dame hardly expected to met anyone here. She glanced around with a cynical eye and shook her head. All the interesting places seemed to be abandonded. Fae walked on through the area without fear and ignored the darkness, she had grown quiet acustom to it and could see perfectly well and hear even better. Lass soon paused and took out a cigarette. She lit the end and put it between her perfect teeth. Blue pools scanned the area once more to be sure no one was there. Long golden tressels rippled down her back and allowed the breeze to catch them and toss them about. Fae cared for nothing and had had no reason to, unless someone or something could make her care x.x

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