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Subject: The music of the night

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Date Posted: 00:10:38 08/15/04 Sun
In reply to: Hiten-ki 's message, "|/\| Not Your Momma |/\|" on 17:05:35 08/14/04 Sat

A blond fea walks through the darkened streets her movements slow and steady as nervous fingers run over the pendent of her necklace. her flowing gown quite unusual for this part of town. sighing slightly she lowers her head her light tressels flowing over her face as she moves forward her attention upon the path right before her. A dagger hidden in her waist line her only way of defence. the silent pad of her feets barely auditable as she moves forward with the grace of the dancer she was during the night hours. her path leading her home from one of the dark bars to her lonely apartment and her empty life. a tired sigh moving through her elegant frame to linger in the air sweet and true. Her perfession being that of entertainment through song and dance. her perfect frame moving fluidly through the dark shadows as she had done many times before the canine unseen as her thoughts strayed.

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