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Subject: shadows of death

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Date Posted: 17:30:08 08/31/04 Tue
In reply to: Kunimitsu 's message, "Crawling In The Dark" on 14:08:01 08/30/04 Mon

shifting through the shadows becoming one with them a pale fleshed fea watches the demon with amusement. her petite frame moving to lean against a nearby wall as she reaches into her pocket to bring out a small daggers, a toy more then a weapon as she needed no weapons. dark power radiating from her being strongly unhindered as she had never been taught to mask it. smirking lightly she begians to silently twist it through her fingers an action she had prefected long ago. ebony locks framing her youthful face as blood red lips purse with her interest in him. The dagger in her hands sending small flickers of light his way as its metalic lenghts deflect the little lighting about them. Her perfect bodice graced in a cloak of darkness that swirled elegantly about her with her movements. Dark hood shadowing her face showing nothing but dark hued optics. Her youth apparent as well as the fact that at one time she had been a pet to another of her kind. Her playful innocents showing through her dark mask. True she was a great preditor of the night but it was also true she did not have much experiance on her own. Her father figure(master) having been killed leaving her to her own destiny not but a couple weeks before. She was skilled in many thing by his teaching and hide and seek was one. for he liked to hunt for her before feeding as most vampirers enjoyed the hunt.

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