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Subject: . Tears Are Worth, Hide My Sorrow . (FOR ANY, FOR ALL)

Gloria Sanchez
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Date Posted: 16:10:49 09/16/04 Thu

She needed alone time, and this was the perfect spot. Her little sister was sound asleep at home, and would most likely remain so for 5 more hours. She felt guilty, but being 17 and a surrogate mom was not all its cracked up to be. Snorting, she digs into the ruffles of her skirt, clutching them for the precious memories they provided. The muffled clicks scrapped against the ground and the cold, piercing eyes scanned the suspicios crowd. Fear for herself had been abandoned, all emotion was given to her sole love of life....Jouet. Frowning, she thought of all the things that had happened in her short 17 years of life and then blitzs of anger sparked her soul. It wasn't fair that she had been inflicted to much pain and grief, and it wasn't fair that Jouet would grow up without the love of a real mother. Running her hands the cascade of black, she throw the thoughts aside. She wondered silently about the lives of those around her, and if indeed they were really as perfect as they seemed to be.

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Guardian of the Gates of HellKazan17:58:28 09/17/04 Fri

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