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Subject: Prefection is in The Eye of The Beholder

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Date Posted: 21:45:35 09/23/04 Thu
In reply to: Ria 's message, "~it's not hard to tell something is not right~" on 21:16:00 09/23/04 Thu

((*pokes at stomach* let me out))

feeling the girls fear, her realization Kazan smirks quietly now sure the girl would not accidentally kill her self trying to escape, they couldn't have that now could they. stepping back he nods to his friend allowing his hands to drop to his side. clearing room for her sword play as he watches her with interest, she was not bad. the sword along his back untouched, knowing she could handle her self, one of the things he liked about her. Do as you wish with it I care little. The hunt for it will be some what satisfying though He could see the terror in it soft wide little eyes already.A wicked gleamer moving through his pools if it was up to him it would be his dinner so much tender the adult flesh. lets go but if they went back they would have to explain where they had been and she was not allowed out. pausing for a second he turns back to her to make sure she was handling the girl all right before speaking mentally what are we going to say to Dorjan? wanting to make sure he had the right story that matched hers.

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ooc: I'll reply in Dorjans mansion kGloria's player15:09:09 09/24/04 Fri
  • ks -- Kazan, 15:28:14 09/24/04 Fri

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