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Subject: Re: christmas help

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Date Posted: 12:36:45 01/28/09 Wed
In reply to: linda mercer 's message, "christmas help" on 20:43:50 08/02/04 Mon

DescrIptIon: Beloved, I wIsh above all thIngs that you may PROSPER and be In good HEALTH even as your SOUL PROSPERETH. 3 JOHN 1:3
Could you use a CASH MIRACLE? If so, then let me tell how to receIve your MIRACLE. GIVE and It SHALL be GIVEN unto you, GOOD MEASURE, PRESSED DOWN, SHALL MEN GIVE unto your bosoms. LUKE 6:38
ThIs program wIll gIve you an honest oppertunIty to expand or star a busIness, buy or buIld a home, afford you chIldren's educatIon wIth out borrowed In loans and most Important BUILD THE KINGDOM OF GOD!!! Remember It Is the LORD our GOD that gIves thee power to get WEALTH. DEUT 18:8
ThIs easy 10 level program was desIgned to generate THOUSANDS to HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of $1.00 bIlls
If everyone that joIns thIs money compoundIng (NOT A PYRAMID) program gets 5 people to joIn the flow of cash would be staggerIng! ThIs plan Is so sImple and InexpensIve, let's all Includ thIs In our out goIng maIl.
Just send $1.00 bIll and 4 FIrst Class Stamps and a sheet of paper wIth your address on It to everyone lIsted below. In a few day's you wIll receIve a MASTER COPY of entIre cIrular wIth your name In the #1 posItIon. Have the MASTER COPY prInted and maIl as many as you can and waIt patIently for your responses to come. Don't put your account Info over the net, or post a message 200-300 tImes to get 20 people to respond.Most people wIll respond to MIRACLE MONEY because of low Investment and HIGH POTENTIAL, and all you need Is 5 people to joIn. You set your goals, so aIm hIgh. We all know 5-10 people who would love to take advantage of thIs oppertunIty. As the maIl start to come In be calm and thInk before you act, It can be over whelmIng. ThIs Is my second tIme doIng thIs. Please remember to brIng In the full amount of your tIthes Into the church house so God can contInue to open the wIndows of heaven and pour out blessIngs on you and your famIly.
EXAMPLE OF POTENTIAL CASH FLOW: 5 X 5 X 5 X 5 X 5 X 5 X 5 X 5 X 5 X 5=$9,765,625.
That If everyone gets 5 people to joIn and they get 5, they get 5 and they get 5. Get It? You do the math. You calculate 5 x 5 -10 tImes and see what you get. SImple, just get 5 people to joIn. That's money compoundIng. To start you off, I'll even send you a few free names of oppertunIty seekers who would love to partIcIpate. If you don't make money, I don't make.
IMPORTANT: In order for your MASTER COPY to be sent to you, you must send everyone lIsted below $1.00 bIll, 4 FIrst Class Stamps and a pIece of paper wIth your address wrItten clearly.

1.BrandI WashIngton,P.O. Box 3253 SagInaw, MI 48605-3253
Any questIon please feel free to call 989-332-3808.BRANDI. This has been such a tremendous blessIng I don't mInd postIng my phone number. (SCAM ARTIST DON'T INCLUDE A PHONE NUMBER)

Related LInk: (None selected)
PrImary Language: EnglIsh
LIstIng Type: LIsted In Yahoo! Groups dIrectory

>hello im a bit early but it takes time to se if
>anyone out there can help my family for christmas
>this year i got no job got no insurance i got 2
>kids i got health problems that i cant do nothing
>about had to file bankruptcy my kids dont have much
>im hoping i can sek help for christmas ty linda

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