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Date Posted: 17:11:23 11/29/03 Sat
Author: Jessi
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Subject: As light as a feather as strong as a lion

Light as a feather as strong as a lion

Jessica Chevalier
++*/kindly dubbed\*++
Her hair is dark dirty blond with natural large and small light blonde
highlights. Her eyes are greyblue but often change color. Her skin is olvish. She
wears glasses.
Pure With
++*/wand type\*++
10inch, silverwillow-sandalwood mix, Pegasis wing feather, Phoenix tail feather,
on a scale from 1-10 of bravery she is a 7,she is extermly loyal and proctective of
her friends. She loves animals and reading. She doesn't care what anyone else thinks. She is mentally and phsically strong
she seems innocent enough.she seems to have almost infinate patience with most people
on most days but get on her bad side and watch out. You can call her a book worm but
if anything else comes up forget the books she all over anything else.
Her Dad and mom were killed after going to secret hiding she doesn't know if she has
any family shes lived in orphanges all her life. She doesn't know anything of her past
just that she has a bunch of pure witches and wizards who were nothings and great people.
They are all dead she doesn't have any belongings of her own except what she could manage.
She has a messanger job for a pet shop on diagon(sp) alley.
++*/Best Subject\*++
her best subject is Transfiguration

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