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Date Posted: 13:38:13 12/09/03 Tue
Author: Kathryn V. Bech'kamu
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Subject: Joining

Name: Kathryn Victoria Bech'kamu
Age: 15
Wand type: 12 inch applewood phenix[sp] feather/dragon heart string
Pets: A calico cat named Tess(sweet, quiet, well-trained)
Preferred house: RavenClaw
Appearance: Dark brown, shoulder-blade length hair. Hazel eyes, light skin. Stands at about 5'5". Not very pretty, but not ugly.
Personality: Her personality and mood tend to swing. She is very kind, caring, and does what she can to help out. Likes company, but also likes her alone time. Her real interests lie in animals. She is very fond of of all kinds of creatures. She is, though, very intelligent. While she doesn't speak much, her grades are usually very good. One of her bad habits is looking down upon people not as smart as herself, if they irritate her. Because of this, she usually perfers the company of adults rather then children.
Any other information: None

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