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Date Posted: 20:09:06 12/12/03 Fri
Author: there playa
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Jessica Chevalier
++*/kindly dubbed\*++
Her hair is dark dirty blond with natural large and small light blonde
highlights. Her eyes are greyblue but often change color. Her skin is olvish. She
wears glasses.
Pure With
++*/wand type\*++
10inch, silverwillow-sandalwood mix, Pegasis wing feather, Phoenix tail feather,
on a scale from 1-10 of bravery she is a 7,she is extermly loyal and proctective of
her friends. She loves animals and reading. She doesn't care what anyone else thinks
she seems innocent enough.she seems to have almost infinate patience with most people
on most days but get on her bad side and watch out. You can call her a book worm but
if anything else comes up forget the books she all over anything else.
Her Dad and mom were killed after going to secret hiding she doesn't know if she has
any family shes lived in orphanges all her life. She doesn't know anything of her past
just that she has a bunch of pure witches and wizards who were nothings and great people.
They are all dead she doesn't have any belongings of her own except what she could manage.
She has a messanger job for a pet shop on diagon(sp) alley.
++*/Best Subject\*++
her best subject is Transfiguration
She has a cat. The cat is female and is all grey with priecing eyes. They are bright
green and are strangly wierd in color.

Auroara Torwth
++*/kindly dubbed\*++
Lity (light-tee)
dirty blonde with blonde highlights and just 5'3 and 137 pounds blue grey greenish eyes.
long nails painted in french tips with blue as base instead of another. long robes
the lie under her lightly fitted school cloak. She chrmed her robes school and otherwise
top have flowers come from it.
wears glasses.
Pure With
++*/wand type\*++
14 inch unicornhair dragon scales phoneix feather
She doesn' like to be mouthed off too though she often does so. She doens't like those
who see them selves better than others espicially not when those others are her. She
has an honor system she follows almost religously. Everyone but those of bad morals
have a chance a fresh. A chance of trust break it once and you must earn it back
break it twice you done. Break it three times beware of wrath most horrifying. she
believes in a justice system. Whatever is done to you in physical you do back the same,
whatever s done to you in morals you do back trifold. She is a mouthy person who speaks
from her heart. Her emotions run her and that can be a problem. She can occasionally
jump head first before taking a look at the situtaion and she is usually punished for
that. She almost always have those who are deserving best interests at heart and wouldn't
do anything to them if they didn't deserve it. Of course this can be quite different from
what the rules say. But hey her motto is "you only live once. Don't do something you'd
regret, don't do something you'd won't regret either."
She comes from a pure witch family. She doesn't mind muggles though has the occassion
to degrate one when thinking they are better than she. She has a mom and Dad and no siblings
yet. Her dad is now a squibb after 42 years if being a wizard. He turned squibb when his
sister was killed by Voldemort. She is related to Irsih cousins Rhee,Aeer,and Lee, Lingus
She just came from an irish school because she had t o move there because of Her dad's
muggle job. She is living in England now.
An owl named Llexxe. She is white with a black strip down her back. A Enchanted Phoneix,
red with small powers. It is a male and his name is INixOnyxFyre. Or dev for short.
A male unneutered cat named foxwood. He has base color of white,a tortisce shell over
that with strips. The strips are inchanging creme and black.
her best subject is Transfiguration and charms

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