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Date Posted: 09:37:49 12/13/03 Sat
Author: Parvati Patil
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Subject: Joining as Parvati

Name: Parvati Patil
Age: 15 years
Wand type: 13 1/2 in, cedar, Dragon heart string
Pets: none
Preferred house: Gryffindor
Character traits (physical, and typical behavior): Parvati loves to be the center of attention. Although this characteristic doesn't show during regular schooldays, it was quite evident during the Yule Ball. She also has strong beliefs. She sincerely believes that Divination is a science and Professor Trelawney is a wonderful teacher. And she doesn't like anyone who says otherwise. On some occasions, Parvati is a bit snobbish. There was one time when she commented that Professor Moody's (magical) eye shouldn't be allowed and she was quite surprised with Hermione getting a date for the Ball. Well, some really pretty people are like that. Since Parvati is really pretty, it seems natural that she gets a lot of attention and she might get a bit peeved that somebody is "stealing" the spotlight from her. Has dark hair and eyes.

Sample post

"I still can't believer Harry just completly ditched me at the Yule Ball! It's not like he should have been embarressed to be seen with me, I mean I was actually doing him a favor! What a jerk! I swear it's a good thing somebody there appriciated me enough to give me the night I deserved!..."

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