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Date Posted: 08:11:27 12/15/03 Mon
Author: Silver Lostry
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Subject: joining

Name: Melanie Dubois

Age: 17

Wand type: Choke cherry, 13 1/2 inches, tail hair of a young unicorn

Pets: Runespoor (three head snake that's black wtih orange stripes)

Preferred house: Slytherin

Character traits (physical, and typical behavior): although she is happy most of the time, if someone makes her angry or insults her friends, she's quick to hurt and/or maim. She sees nothing wrong with hexing people if she feels they deserve it. Has two sides to her humour...dark and disbturbed, and just normal humour. She can have a good laugh over watching someone get hexed or over someone telling a good joke. Although she doesn't dislike Muggle borns, they sort of bother her with their stupidty of the wizarding world. She feels that they need to become better knowledgable about her world before they decide to join it. Is a bit lacking in the common sense department, so even though she has a dark respect for You-Know-Who and evne though she's dabbled with the dark arts, she calls the Dark Lord "Voldie".

Any other information: Was born in France but moved to Britain at age seven. She has bright red hair and dancing green eyes. She's about 6' 0" and 120lbs. She has a small scar on her top lip on the left side...no one but her and her family know how she got it...and its not a good story. oh and Harry Potter? Why is he so special? He didn't do anything to live...his mother killed herself so he could live....how pleasant... :)

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