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Date Posted: 05:57:24 10/26/05 Wed
Author: George Lessard
Subject: Photos of Nagasaki aftermath found in US

Photos of Nagasaki aftermath found in US
Fifteen photographs of the devastation created by the US atomic bombing
of Nagasaki on August 9, 1945, have been found at the home of Texas
photographer Mark Rankin. Rankin said the photos were taken by his late
father Glenn, who visited Nagasaki a month after the attack as a US
Marine and called part of the ravaged port city 'the valley of death.'

The elder Rankin, who was 20 at the time, described a devastated area in
northern Nagasaki in a photo caption that read: 'Blast rolled up valleys
like a great flood.' The 15 pictures are some of the 100 photos Glenn
took during a trip from Hawaii to Nagasaki. The remaining 85 include
landscapes and shots of people's daily lives in Nagasaki and Sasebo.
Glenn took a picture of an elderly woman carrying a pile of firewood and
wrote in explanation: 'Even the very old did their share.'

The Nagasaki Foundation for the Promotion of Peace expressed excitement
over the discovery of the photos. 'The photo of [the] woman carrying
firewood is precious' as it portrays people's lives shortly after the
war, it said.

http://www.japantimes.co.jp/cgi-bin/getarticle.pl5?nn20051025f1.htm -
Japan Times

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