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Date Posted: 00:31:49 02/27/06 Mon
Author: Judy Greenwood
Subject: Proposed Oz-Pacific Mining Watch Network

Proposed Oz Mining Watch Network

MPI is a Sydney-based NGO that monitors the mining industry and supports communities and local organisations from mine affected regions of Australia, Asia and the Pacific. For more information, visit our website at www.mpi.org.au

As a result of discussions we have had with some individuals and organisations working on/affected by mining across a number of states in Australia, we are taking some initial steps to establish an Australian mining advocacy network.

We are asking that interested groups/ individuals consider becoming members of an "OzMineWatch" email network.

The suggested aims of the network is to
- To provide support to the various groups working on mining in Australia
- To ensure that individuals and organisations working to address the negative impacts of mining can better network, co-ordinate and share resources and information to enable more successful campaigning
- To provide a forum for increased joint campaigning amongst various community and environmental to achieve better environmental, social and human rights outcomes from the mining industry in Australia.

MPI proposes to provide and maintain an email list facilitating communications to other individuals and organisations working on mining in Australia.

MPI receives no government or corporate funding, so to stay alive we rely on funding from groups and individuals like you. Please consider joining MPI so that we can work together and maintain an ongoing independent Australian voice in the fight for sustainable and just mining practices.

Should you wish to join MPI, you would also have access to:

- An up to date internal contact list of network groups and individuals working on mining issues and the sectors/ issues and companies they are working on/ experienced with

- Opportunities to publish and distribute your campaign information and materials in our newsletters, e-bulletins and on the MPI website, and links to your own websites

- Access to MPI resources, research and information on specific companies, sectors or mining related issues

- Media, technical, strategic and other campaign support from MPI where resources permit

- The provision of campaigning support materials and toolkits on relevant topics. Initial priorities have been identified as (i) environmental impact assessment (ii) shareholder activism, (iii)technical support database (iv) mining related financial sector campaigning. (We welcome other suggestions.)

Based on interest, we would like to also scope the possibility to have a meeting of those in the network in 2006.

Should you want further information, please feel free to contact Judy Greenwood on 02 9557 9019, 0415 756 155 or at outreach@mpi.org.au

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