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Subject: ` magic carpet ride

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Date Posted: 11:04:45 06/23/09 Tue

name: Jake Brennan
gender: male
age: twenty
appearance: Jake has always been the scrawny, lanky kid, standing at 5'10 and weighing around 135 pounds. Truth be told, there's nothing particularly "macho" about him; he doesn't have a lot of muscle, so when it comes to a fight he's pretty pathetic. His eyes are light blue and his hair is dark brown and usually quite untidy. Jake is poor, to put it bluntly, so his clothes are old and worn and not the latest greatest; he generally gets by with a pair of jeans, running shoes, a t-shirt and an old hoodie.
personality: Jake is somewhat naive, or as others would say, childish. He still laughs at stupid things and can't resist pulling a prank on an unsuspecting stranger every now and again. When he was in his teens and still lived in Brooklyn with his friends, the things they got up to were slightly more serious, though; blowing up news stands with cherry bombs, tampering with the wiring or engines of police cars, and eventually smuggling heroin, the latter resulting in the death of his friend's ten year old cousin. The incident did leave its mark on him- he became obsessively protective of those close to him, particularly his twelve year old sister Catrina. He has a tendency to be reckless and impulsive, not thinking before doing or saying something; he just "goes with it" as the ideas come into his head. He has a somewhat sarcastic sense of humour and is a bit of an extrovert, generally with a pretty devil-may-care air about him. Jake can be a bit dependent, though; he easily gets attached to a person or thing, such as drugs, and finds it difficult to let it go afterwards.

name: Debora Schindler
gender: female
age: twenty one
appearance: Debora has a petite build, reaching a height of 5'7 and weighing 125 pounds. She has wavy dark brown hair that fall just below her shoulders and her eyes are a mixture of olive green and grey. Debora's style is very casual; she usually wears a pair of shorts or jeans with a t-shirt or a jacket. She nearly breaks her neck everytime she tries wearing high-heels, so therefore sticks to sandals or sneakers. On the rare occasions that she wears dresses they're usually loose-fitting, comfortable summer dresses. Debora is Jewish and quite religious, so has a Khamsa pendent that she permanently wears around her neck.
personality: Debora is a bit of a book and film buff. Her small apartment is filled to the brim with books and videos her father had still taped for her. She still has a lot of "kid" in her, though the older folk call it "immature". She will still dance in the rain with her socks on, sit in the back seat of the car, cry during old Disney movies, play little pranks to annoy an older sibling, and has an attention span about the size of a pea. Debora loves being around people, and is generally a pretty sociable person. She finds it easy to talk to strangers, always curious to get to know and find out more about them. She likes being close to people, or to have some sort of physical contact, whether it be hugging, cuddling up when watching a movie or simply holding hands. Though she can occasionally have a short fuse, like many people, she tries to keep her head on and not fly off the handle when presented with a problem. Debora doesn't particularly like providing a shoulder to cry on, but if it would be in any way comforting to the other person, then she would. A lot of people think her as a shy and quiet person, which isn't entirely true. She just finds small talk boring, and is actually pretty chatty and sometimes annoyingly hyperactive once one gets to know her.

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