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Subject: ::Get Gone::

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Date Posted: 07:27:24 04/07/11 Thu

Name: Memphis Raines
Gender: Male
Age: 42
Breed: Human
Appearance: 6'1 with dark hair and blue eyes. Angled features, good build.
Personality: He takes business very seriously, and is meticulous about how things are done. He never stops with a job undone.
History: He'd grown up with the rest of the crew, under the wing of a the best booster known to in the industry. He'd learned everything out and out, and when he'd wound up in Cascade, he organized operations. They'd been largely successful, when a cop came sniffing around in the form a beautiful woman named Nancy. He fell for her and married her.

As the rest oft the crew began to marry and have kids, operations got sloppy. They were busted by the Feds, and while most escaped, Memphis got caught. Resigned to a life in prision, he was suprised when they offered him a deal. He work for them to bust out a few large rings...and he would get off. So'd he'd accepted, and worked with them for the past 9 years.
Picture: Using Nicholas Cage...still trying to decide on one.
Player Name: mon

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