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Subject: .Timeless.Jo | |
Author: Jorgen Nasche |
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Date Posted: 18:14:37 10/13/13 Sun Name:Jorgen Nasche Gender:Male Age: 32 (Though technically 70) Breed: Human Appearance: Light brown hair, kept longer at the brow. 6'2 in height with a lean build. Dark eyes, exotic features. Single tattoo on his right forearm, stating S104. Personality: Highly intelligent, scholarly. Was practicing medicine until the war. Brave and moral. Somewhat reserved. History: Jorgen was born in 1911 in Osterbro, Copenhagen Denmark. He was studious despite growing up on a rather poor Jewish farm. By the age of 23 he had finished studying medicine and was implementing his own practice. At the start of World War II, he began to host meetings for rebel organization. By 1941, he had left his practice to join in the rebel forces. He was captured towards the end of 1942 and sent to the infamous Froslev Prison Camp. There he suffered horrendous medical experiments, and was known simply as S104 (Subject 104). The Germans had begun to experiment in time travel, but by 1943 were becoming desperate. On December 31st, 1943 their experiment was successful--S104 departed the testing room at approximately 9:38pm. Complications arose when the Germans realized their calculations were off, and S104 was lost somewhere in the continental US, in the year 2013. They are still searching to find and eliminate their test subject. Picture: (optional) See Mads Mikkelson. Player Name:(Required) Mon [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] |