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Date Posted: Wednesday, November 26, 10:04:38pm
Author: VAX
Subject: Re: Fear
In reply to: J. R. Robins 's message, "Fear" on Wednesday, November 26, 09:17:32pm

Finally a voice of reason . Truth , Proverbs , honest opinions , just proof that the Anti Hero League is the Future of pro wrestling , like it or not -

>There is a Japanese proverb, "Fear is only as deep as
>the mind allows." I mention this because I see fear in
>the face of wrestlers who know they are to face the
>AHL. Either individually or as a tag team they are so
>far superior to the opposition, that one has to wonder
>why the opponent bothers to show up at all. As I try
>to introduce the opposition, I hear a knocking. I
>wondered the first few times what it was. Then I
>noticed, it is their knees. In sheer fear they stand
>in the ring with the AHL across from them. Like deer
>in the headlights they are nearly immobile. Don't
>worry though, the match will not last long, and you
>will be granted a vacation to recuperate from the
>surgery that you will likely require.

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