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Date Posted: Tuesday, December 02, 12:24:05pm
Author: Styxx
Subject: Re: Comments on the AHL
In reply to: J. R. Robins 's message, "Comments on the AHL" on Sunday, November 30, 09:26:30pm

Now here is a man with his head on straight. J.R. Kudos to you good sir. With all due respect to the legends in our sport, I could also see them moving aside to our younger generation of workers. The Furture of Professional wrestling itself, The Anti-Hero League. Here we have the triple threat. The brains and ring saavy of Vinnie, The sheer power of Vax, and the all around ability of myself, The Master of Malice. The greatest faction ever assembled in the history of wrestling. For those who havent been priveliged enough to witness this first hand, You soon will have your chance soon enough. That is all, for now


>That's right wrestling fans I, J. R. Robins, have
>returned to educate you the simple minded as to the
>true state of professional wrestling. I start with the
>pinnacle, The Anti Hero League.
>Through time wrestling has had great teams, and
>stables. Some that come to mind are The Minnesota
>Wrecking Crew, The Heenan Family, The Four Horsemen,
>The Road Warriors. But wrestling fans, they pale in
>comparison with the AHL. Why Styxx, Vax, and Vinnie
>Vain are the measuring stick of professional
>The idea that Gene and Ole Anderson could have
>survived against Vax and Vinnie is laughable. Styxx
>would have destroyed Tully Blanchard in less time than
>it takes to spill a cup of coffee. The three members
>of the AHL would have matched up well in War Games
>against the whole of the Horsemen. Why I can see Vax
>destroying the Road Warriors in mere seconds. Vinnie
>would superkick Ric Flair back a decade or two.
>Forget what the historians would have you believe,
>there is still wrestling greatness. They are the
>perfect triangle, they are the Anti Hero League...and
>they are coming to your town!

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