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Date Posted: Monday, November 17, 11:28:30am
Author: VAX
Subject: Re: Welcome to the NEW TWO message board
In reply to: WEBSITE FAN 's message, "Re: Welcome to the NEW TWO message board" on Monday, November 17, 08:46:38am

>>I agree totally - we she be able to talk as much needless crap as posible and get stupid Flame Wars going talking crap about T.W.O. because they don't put on Shows every month . It's just like that stupid WWE - I can't believe they didn't have Pay per veiws every month at one point , I think I'll boycotte them for selling out.

T.W.O. should put on shows and say screw paying the talent , who cares about paying these guys , there all just a bunch of Back Yarders anyway right ?

I wish people could just keep it simple , Hype up their favorite wrestler , talk junk to the ones they don't like
junk like - You know you don't have a chance against so and so , or so and so is gonna destroy you instead of this whole T.W.O. sucks , Their website sucks , they suck.

Be that as it may , T.W.O. is one of the best organizations there is - do they put on a lot of shows , No .... but they do maintain a site that gives exposure to numerous wrestlers and the UNREAL CHANNEL highlights many matchs from organizations other than T.W.O. featuring some of the T.W.O. Superstars -

The message board simply got out of hand , and measures had to be taken to ensure that people could'nt just pop in , spew garbage and pop back out - Check out any chat , theirs always one nuckle head that will hop in just to say something mean.

Now , onto more serious matters - I go to the Medical Pavillion Tues Nov 25 to recieve the Stress test to help determin what put me in the Hospital this Past Friday with Sever Chest Pains - I will keep all of my wounderful fans (thank you for your prayers and well wishing ) up to date with the results.
>This sucks
>We have had Numerous problems on the Older board , new
>>measures have been taken to insure a Family friendly
>>experience - PG-13 Rules still apply however posts are
>>This means if your not posting about wrestling , then
>>your not posting at all . Thank you for your continued
>>support ot The Wrestling Organization.

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