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Date Posted: 12:14:27 04/23/08 Wed
Author: John V
Subject: Walton Family Tree Continued
In reply to: John Viens 's message, "Walton Family Tree" on 22:50:40 04/20/08 Sun

In their ealry years together, Zeb and Esther built their home together at the foot of Waltons Mountain. They built it big because both truly expected to fill it up with lots of kids and in the meantime, they liked lots of company. Zeb came from a large extened family so they always had company. Zeb's brothers and their families aunts uncles and cousins were always welcome guests, not to mention Zeb's mamma and pappa. Zeb was a man who liked excitement.
Although he was born on Waltons Mountain and always had a love of his family and the mountain itself, he always dreamed of other places and of adventures. Zeb loved hearing the talk of folks moving west and of great battles in long ago wars and the late war between the states that his own brother Henry had fought in. So, it was little wonder in early 1898, when men were being called to serve with Teddy Roosevelt in what would be called the Spanish American War, that Zeb's heart would be stirred once more.
Several friends of Zebs were going to Cuba and it was all he could talk about. Finally, even thugh it was against her better judgement, Esther insisted Zeb join up with the Rough Riders and go fight the war in Cuba. She said later she didn't want Zeb to hate her for holding him back and it was with this thought in mind, that she let Zeb go. So off he went to the war in Cuba and Esther and their two boys stayed home on the mountain to await his return. Esther would say she was proud of Zeb for doing his duty but it was the worst time of her life. She learned early on that life could throw you curves but faith would get you through.
So, she spent her days working hard and enjoying her boys waiting for word from her Ol Fool and for the day he would come home.

The day did come when Zeb came home from Cuba. It was the Spring of 99 and home he came to his Sissy, his boys Ben and John and his beloved mountain, never to leave again.
Life continued on Waltons Mountain, the seasons came and went and Zeb and Esther taught their boys the value of family, work, the land and God. They had many good neighbors in those years, The Baldwins, The Godseys who owned the local Mercantile, the Roswells, Sneads and Brimleys to name a few. There was a lot of activity at the local Baptist Chruch which Esther stayed very involved in and always a barn razin or some affair the family would attend. Those were truly good years.

It was also during these years that the two boys were growing up. Ben was the oldest and pretty much looked after his brother John and kept him in line for he was a bit on the wild side from time to time, although serious at the same time. John was never much for school or church goin. He preferred to working out doors with his pa, going fishing or just taking long hikes up Walton's Mountian. Ben was the more serious student and a very hard worker. He had his mother's sense of work and duty. Although John also had that Walton Work ethic and you could always trust both boys to see a job through to it's end, you could tell Ben was the business man to be, while John was to be a man of the land who liked to have a real good time.

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