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Subject: he he

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Date Posted: 14:51:04 11/29/03 Sat
In reply to: anakin 's message, "just a poem i wrote" on 22:41:06 11/27/03 Thu

Nah, nevermind that.

Eh kemarin gue nonton the matrix dan ketemu gerombolan abg expatriat itu lagi. Dan mereka AGAIN gak nonton the matrix, hanya berdiri di luar. gue denger yang cewek bilang, "Please. Please. Please."

Dan yang cowok bilang "No!".


"No, you don't understand. No!"

Kirain gue ngapain, ternyata pas gue liat yang cewek itu lagi minta yang cowok jongkok supaya dia bisa naik di belakangnya suapaya temennya yang satu lagi bisa naik di punggung dia. In the midle of the cinema? LOL

Cewek yang satu lagi terus pergi bareng some new guy, agak lebih gedean sih kayaknya, terus jalan ke counter beli tiket serving sarah, terus pas masuk tas ceweknya dibawain loh. Manis gak seh? Terus temennya yang lain nunggu gitu yah di luar. How sweet.

Tapi gue tetep nonton matrix kok. Akhirnya. Di dalamnya banyak mitologi, mahluk-mahluk dari jaman dongeng, ada hikmah, filosofi, pencerahan, and so on.

But I can't help to think of them. I mean. I don't want my children's world to be dark green like the matrix, in the midle of a war they don't even understand where they are forced to see pass their choices, fight in the name of humanity and so on.

I guess I wish my great great great grand daughter, I'd probably won't have any but if ever I had, would still be able to hop on a guy's back in front of everone who just can't wait to judge her, and act like she just don't care. Now that's a nice thought.

Oh, am I getting old?
Are low rise and bootleg jeans still in style these days?

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[> [> Subject: kali ketiga ntar..

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Date Posted: 15:08:44 11/29/03 Sat

dim, berarti kalo besok2 lu ketemu mereka utk ketiga kalinya, berjodoh kali ye hehehe.

gw lagi mikir2 mo ke kuta nggak nih, temen gw gak bales2 sms gw, masih macet banget konon, tapi gatel nih pengin nyari pirate cd flash & photoshop. ato ke bintang aja kali ye.

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