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Date Posted: 12:19:23 08/01/04 Sun
Author: FeisOrphan
Subject: Atlanta!

Haha- Me and Geraldine won the race to get home! We got home before 8:00 (even with the baggage delays!)! So everyone now has to check in- Who will come in 2nd??? Hi Twin Skeebo-even though technically bc you win like 4 firsts at every feis-you arent my twin- O well.... And Kayla the mean twin wins everywhere too... It must be the water in Geneva (that would explain Alisha too-I hate you all) OMG my mum is really mad about the phone-Im still giving it CPR-Thanks to Alisha for being there in phones darkest hour. He will be missed. Skippy and Skeebo we are going to be partying it up in Windsor and Lansing-If you get there early enough you can come to my friends house and we can go to their pool. Sorry no one else can come-its a private party for me, cali and our twins! lol
Annie-I hope your in a much better mood now that youve slept. And the pics are FINALLY up-but look at that none of me....Im going to cry. Seriously.
And Chloe-I hope you survived your plane ride-its not so bad once you breathe...I hope Nellie, Tinan, Shubert, Poco, Cat Meat, TforT,Jasson, and last my darling Jobear are safe and happy.
I love you all....but now Im going back to sleep....Its quite sad the first thing I do is go on the computer............
Welcome to Margarets World.
PS I think next year we should go out west for a summer faraway feis....Who needs the Southern Region? I dont... so Im going to give them some constructive critism on the message board..your welcome to join me. Fun times

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