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Date Posted: 11:23:30 12/20/03 Sat
Author: lloyd
Subject: Re: old movies and movie stars
In reply to: lloyd 's message, "old movies and movie stars" on 11:17:53 12/20/03 Sat

>well, to start with john wayne was not a big star yet.
>one of the best movies was "trail of the Lonesome
>Pine", with fred MacMurray and Spanky McFarland.
>Saturday matnees was it, had Buck Jones, or Tom Mix,
>or Ken Maynard or Donald Red Berry, Bob Steele, Tom
>Keene, Bob Livingston, Hoot Gibson, and of course GENE
>AURTY. I was lucky enough to walk with him around the
>square in Comanche when he came to Dublin at his and
>another mans ranch Dublin is just a few miles from
>Comanche, he did a show at the picture show and after
>the show we walked around the square. there was a
>serial on every satruday that usualy rand for 12
>satrudays, you couldn't affored to miss a single one.
>there was not candy or pop corn or soda pop at the
>picture show. you were very fortuanate to get the
>price of a nickel to pay for your way in. the picture
>started at 12 noon and there were three showings of
>the same show, I always stayed till the end of the
>last one. they shut the picture show down, and then
>opened again at 7 pm for some other picture show. very
>seldom I get to go to those. some time when I had an
>extra egg from the chichen house, I would take one to
>the drug store and get a single dip of Ice cream cone,
>if I was really well off two eggs two dips, one time I
>managed 3 eggs, got the 3 dip, the way the cones were
>shapedd there were a dip side by side then the 3rd dip
>was on top of the two bottom dips, that was a real
>treal,vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, what more can
>you ask for 7 years old.
>lloyd before I sailed

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  • Re: old movies and movie stars -- lloyd, 11:26:33 12/20/03 Sat
  • Re: old movies and movie stars -- muddyfeet, 18:54:04 12/21/03 Sun
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