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Date Posted: 10:35:05 12/12/03 Fri
Author: Gramma
Subject: Re: TA...DA... SHE HAS ARRIVED!!!!
In reply to: jß 's message, "Re: TA...DA... SHE HAS ARRIVED!!!!" on 09:37:03 12/12/03 Fri

Ok - I'm older than me thunk. I posted last nite and the message never made it here (or my brain just dreamt I posted...lol).

Jessi is doing wonderful - she and baby should be home Saturday. It may be kinda hard for Robert to do the wee morning feedings seeing how he doesn't have a portable kitchen attached. But he can change ALL the ucky diapers he can handle. Gramma got the honor of changing that 1st YUCKY UCKY diaper - Robert was at work and poor Jessi was sleeping. Thought for a minute I was going to need some turpentine to help remove it.....just kidding.
You know, babies is kinda like riding a bike...you may be a little wobbly at first but ya just don't forget!

I love the way new babies smell after their first bath. I got to watch that - Kaitlyn's got a HEALTHY set of lungs! You'd a thought she was getting scalped or something!
And she's got lots of rolls everywhere ...they ain't filled in yet, they just there...she likes her kisses on her neck already....can you tell I'm gramma yet....lol.

I'm fixing to head that way...tha'ts the only hting I don't like is the drive. I'll give extra kisses today for ya'll...hehe.

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