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Subject: Email Password Recovery Services

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Date Posted: Wed, Nov 01 2006, 14:21:42 GMT-4


There is nothing different in our services. Like other group, we simply crack email

addresses, and provide you the current password used by the victim to you for a suitable

Nothing unique that we can brag about.... We don't h@ck NASA or CIA, we cannot h@ck a bank

and steal a million dollars.. We just crack email password...

We cannot be as presentable as the other groups, trying to look as formal and corporate, as

if they are running a Major Corporate Office. However they present it...password retrieval,

online investigation... Access recovery...blah blah blah.. The most simplest way to put it

is.. : Email password cracking:!!
And since everyone else is busy faking it, or trying to be more presentable, we utilize our

skills to get you what you want... i.e. THE EMAIL password. No buttering up, no marketing

skills... Plain h@rdcore h@cking!!

So, since you now know what we do, and want us to do the job for you, then contact us at

following details:-

As soon as we Crack the password, we’ll send you 3-5 Proofs,

That we have successfully retrieved the E-Mail Password. The Password we provide is the

Original one or the Current
Password that the Victim is using. Payment is made ONLY AFTER you are THROUGHLY convinced

with the proofs that we send you.
Therefore rest assured this is not a money making gig and we
are Not scammers.

For more details visit our website :::


We GUARANTEE that the entire process is completely safe,secure, confidential...and fast.


PS :: Fake Requests / Spams / the persons trying to test us/

or those who do not respond after asking for proofs will be

dealt Accordingly...


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