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Subject: Shame of Barack Obama. His secret revealed

Christopher Antony Meade (Sincere)
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Date Posted: Sat, Mar 02 2013, 7:43:09 GMT-4

President Barack Obama has an embarrassing secret that he is hiding from the world. It’s not that he isn’t an American citizen, because he is. Only the most intimate members of his family and a few trusted aides are privy to the president’s shame. Even Vice President Biden is kept in the dark about this one. Had his political opponents been aware of this state secret, it is doubtful whether he would have won the last presidential election.
What, you ask is so scandalous, that the very mention of it in public, might earn the “whistle-blower” a long stay in Guantanamo Bay? The fact is that the current President of the United States of America is not fully human. He is actually one quarter cat. His maternal grandfather is an alien shape-shifting feline, who currently resides in a specially constructed prison in Area 51 Nevada. The only physical evidence of the president’s ancestry is a long stripy furry tail, which he keeps hidden under his trousers. He also has a tendency to wander round the White House at night cat-spraying his territory. CCTV footage exists of him doing this. Nobody has, so far dared to put it on YouTube. I just hope Julian Assange doesn’t gain access to the recordings.
The complete account of how the president came to be part feline is detailed in my book “The Zombie, the Cat and Barack Obama”. Many more secrets are revealed there as well, including the truth about the Illuminati and how Osama bin Laden really met his end. You will never look at the world the same way again, after reading the revelations detailed there.
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You can also buy it from many other online retailers. Priced at less than the cost of a packet of ten cigarettes.

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