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Subject: Ashquar's herd

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Date Posted: 01:22:38 11/28/04 Sun

Name:Ashquar(Means Chestnut)
Breed:Egyptian Arabian
Appearence:Chestnut, his age is starting to show, but only faintly by the light flecking of grey on his muzzle
Personality:Hes fierce and will protect his herd with all costs. Very Loyal, and doesnt make friends easily, so once he's your friend, you can trust him with anything. He Also tends to be quite stubborn, its hard to change his mind.

Name:Malakeh (Means Queen)
Breed:Egyptian Arabian
Appearence:Dark dappled bay, she is ubnormally petite for an arab, standing about 14hh
Personality:Shes sweet and stubborn.Shes lead Mare, and very motherly to any foal, whether her own or someone elses. Don't Judge her on her size, she can pack a punch, she wasnt ment to ignore.

As adult

Name:Andalib (Nightingale)
Age:6 months
Breed:Egyptian Arabian
Appearence:Chestnut, will be a dark/liver chestnut when older
Personality:Quite curious, and taking well to the overprotected livestyle of being the leads foal. She makes friends easily, with any horse her age or not. SHe's very friendly, acting eith no care int he world.
more later

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