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Subject: [ Delerium of the Dreamland ]

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Date Posted: 16:03:02 12/25/04 Sat
In reply to: Lutalo & Otieno 's message, "What are brothers for?" on 08:31:02 12/25/04 Sat

A nicker of mischievious amusement drifted like a light-minded butterfly from the deep forest at their backs.
You know, you might want to hurry you little courtship up. There are a plenty of angry stallions wandering about, and you'd only have to be proud to die this day.
The rough strands of mane that fell, deeply contrasted against her otherwise pearly frame drifted gently to the silent rythem hidden in the noon breaze, adding to the effect as her light body melted from the shadows. In no hurry; her head high and her tail raised, she began moving past the quartet, hooves ploding almost inaudibly on the soft surface of the valley floor.

Name: Chaos
Age: 4
Breed Andalusian

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dreams fade in morning lightKeyara18:58:06 12/25/04 Sat

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