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Date Posted: 15:19:24 02/22/03 Sat
Author: rujane
Subject: Do You Think Lousy, Biased Reporting May Be The Reason the Print Media is Tanking?

Just listened to another 1 1/2 hrs on the transplant case, and considering the anti-physician, anti-tort reform bias most newspapers take, it's no wonder they're tanking. (The SF Examiner has just laid off most of its staff). One caller said that, apparently, the initial clerical error most likely did not even occur at Duke, but at the sending hospital. Phrases like "botched surgery", which implied that the medical care at Duke was at fault, and stories which deliberately omitted the illegal status of the family, attempted to characterize this as a malpractice story. Fortunately for us, we are not left to the three big networks and the all-the-news-that-fits, print! media to get the truth. Both a physician and transplant patient called in (1210 AM) refuting the misinformation. And another thing that came out is that the girl was apparently under 90 pounds, so the organs she received would most likely have been targeted for a child/preteen, since the weight/size of organs is a consideration. There's some malpractice here, but I don't think it's medical.

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[> Here's why I think print is hurting... -- talkonline, 19:05:34 02/22/03 Sat

Yeah,I saw that the SAN FRAN EXAM is turning into a free paper and fired most of the staff. There was a question that the newest owners may have purposely ran that paper into the ground to cut competition on the other papers that they own???

BUT-I must say that the PRICE of daily local newspapers can be a little much! I'm really thankful that THE PRESS is online,but of course unless you buy the paper you miss out on a lot of what THE PRESS has to offer.

I'm not complaining about the quality of the paper (THE PRESS) -I think it's a great paper,but,I've been trying to find a good deal for a year's subscription, and the cost is in the $300.00+ range!. I got somewhat burned by my paper guy before, I signed up for a special "13 week" deal,and when that ran out,he kept delivering, I never got a bill untill it was over a hundred bucks. I decided to only pay in advance from now on!

As far as editorial bias,and propaganda, at least that doesn't bother me as much as it did before. Maybe the home delivery,and looking at lies,and misrepresentations of the truth-first thing in the morning was a bad combo???? I used to (when I had home delivery) get a little pissed almost every day, first thing in the morning!-Yeah,I'm missing out on some ??? ,but,I figure I can do without the aggravation.

Well,like I said,for some reason, I must not be scrutinizing every sentence as carefully when I read online,or when I take a bike ride to grab the paper????? I really don't know what it is and I was actually wondering if editors were being a little more careful lately???

Something like what you mention, definitly warrants a "letter to the editor". Yeah, it takes time,and you have to give them your name,(or a pen-name), & phone #, AND they might cut some of your letter, but that is the kind of thing that they probably won't come right out and issue a "correction".

I would assume that THE PRESS accepts email "Voice of The People"???

To me,"mal-practice" would have to be something that is almost an intentional disregard for a person's life or health or the best long term intrest of the patient's body. Or maybe not informing a person about consequences or side effects or other treatment options,or the Doctor's limitations.

In the case of the girl who recieved the "wrong" organs, just because the outcome was a disaster, I don't think that you can sue everybody, somebody(s?) made a big mistake,possibly even a careless (that is where I think the malpractice comes in) mistake,but the Doctors who actually operated, would they have even done the operation knowing that the blood type didn't match???? I'm not a medical expert but I'm pretty sure that a team of surgeons would never even consider doing that.

Isn't finding a "match" the number one priority when one is waiting for a transplant???? The organs would not have been "sent" in the first place if someone had not checked on that key information,right??? I would also say that the mistake would have been on the "sending" end ,since the transplant team at Duke were probably extremely familiar with every detail of the sick girl. They had a standing order for her type. The sending hospital,on the other hand, who knows what happened??? Someone who died shortly after a sad accident???? (there's a reason they call it "trauma"), yeah,someone, probably a youngster, died,couldn't the sheer agony of being there as a doctor or nurse, been enough to cause a serious error??? We really need more information about the (so-called,because I really don't think that you can call a child a-) donor. AND,the circumstances surrounding that side of the transaction.

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